Hey everyone, what do you guys think about the new Activity View Mode in PD? Is anyone experiencing problems with it?
Good objection handling is something of a must-have in sales, where you face objections and rejections every day. Too many sales folks give up after their first rejection, do not do that. First, identify whether it is a real objection or is it just a reflex response or is it the dreaded brushoff. When you research your…
Hi Pipedrivers 🙌 We're looking for an Expert/Consultant to run the Pipedrive implementation project for a production company here in Poland: Scope: * Discovery/preparing CRM specification * Uploading the data including deduplication * Email automation * Integration with intranet * Marketing reporting * Forecast and…
Använder ni formulär på era webbsidor? Inte ovanligt att man då får ett e-postmeddelande då det är ifyllt, men vad händer sedan? Har man otur måste man manuellt mata in uppgifterna i sitt CRM, men inte om man använder Pipedrive och Pipedrives formulär. Här kommer ett litet exempel på hur det fungerar.
Hi there, when starting P in Firefox usually it opens right away, with menue on the top, from left to right. Now with new docking station it only flickers for half a second, shows meue on left side, from top to bottom, then goes out and start same thing in a loop. No chance to click anything. Restarts I made. Working w/o…
Hallo, ich habe es geschafft, dass in Pipedrive alles ganz klein dargestellt wird. Welche Tastenkombi habe ich versehentlich gedrückt? Wir kann ich wieder auf normale Größe umstellen? Alle anderen Programme laufen normal. Lieben Dank.
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