To spare your valuable time on reading my thoughts and reasoning, skip to the bold section at the bottom: I'm already very grateful for the outlook integration that exists, and it has helped me to organize tasks and projects. Outlook integration is the reason I use Pipedrive at all, without it I wouldn't be here. The…
As a digital agency, we use projects to manage client work, however, when clients want to send us assets, email has restrictions - so it would be hugely useful if we could set up a folder within Google Drive and send the link to a client to upload their assets and then automatically sync/pull down the assets into their…
Hi, I am often using inline editing of all deals in an organisation. When clicking on [see all deals] popup menu, I can edit various entries. That's nice. But after clicking on the edit button right hand side in the line item, I have to klick one more time into this field I want to edit. Until then the keyboard…
Currently the only way I can find a booking link is to create a new email and drop down the insert and then grab a copy link. i hand out booking links frequently, I would like to move away from Calendly to Pipedrive if only it was easy enough to do so.
Hoping someone can help here. I am not interested (at the moment ) in Leadbooster nor am I interested in the Campaigns or Projects which are all paid service options. I would like the option to hide these as they are just eye graffiti to me that I don't want, and, I don't need to be reminded constantly about paid services…
We use automated emails on every customer experience. And we have teams that work with customers through the process of fulfilling the customer order. PipeDrive is able to create the automated emails we want, but the user's Private/Shared setting in the Email Sync settings is the only place to designate this setting on…
This discussion was created from comments split from: New: Recurring Products Early Beta.
Campaigns are great - I love the metrics and the ability to easily see their history in the contact view. However, there are two major drawbacks I would love to see resolved: 1) I am unable to send an old campaign to new and/or specific individuals. The current workaround is to literally send a campaign to myself, then…
Hello! I am currently transitioning into Campaigns and wanted to raise this for discussion to see if it is either in the roadmap or can be added in the future. Right now, I am using Mailigen, which is being shut down in the next two months, so this is a rather time-sensitive concern. We are moving to Campaigns specifically…
As the title suggests, I would really, really, really, really, love the ability to click-hold, and drag fields in a web-form to reorder them. Right now, if you're already using a field in the form, but need it to be somewhere else, you have to completely delete the first one and remake the new one in the proper spot. I'm…
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