Contacts are currently sorted by the first letter of their first names if we use the list of letters on top of the list of contacts. It seems to me that it would be a good option to be able to sort our contacts by the first letter of their family names instead of the first letter of their first names. This way, every…
i cannot use the livechat feature unless i'm a global admin. is this correct? No-one of my sales people can't see the livechat menu-item unless i set them global admins. To be clear: in the permission list they the option LIVECHAT is always enabled and the permissions are correctly assigned. I asked support but no answers…
How can I do a Pipeline report with the combined weighted value of the deals?
Hi, I have about 20 vendors/users in my pipedrive, who don't have permission to modify deals from other users. I want to grant permission to "vendor 3" to modify deals but only those from "vendor 7" and "vendor 12". Is there a way to allow that? Besides, vendors 3, 7 and 12 are in the same Pipedrive Team, i don't know if…
Still learning how to make the most of Pipedrive. What is the difference between uploading a document under documents or files? They seem to be the same to me, so what am I missing?
I've managed to trigger an email notification when one of the team "win" a deal. problem is, it has no information about the deal in the actual email so whilst we know a deal has been won, we don't know who won it, whats been won, or the customer detail of the deal? Could anyone help with this please? TIA Andy
How do I change the forma with which emails are displayed? Apparently they show in a "conversation" format that buries one email inside the other on a long email chan. It makes it VERY difficult to track the exchange if it gets more than a couple responses long. How do I change it to the typical email chain format?
Dear all, I have the following view that shows a list of my leads. I would now like to export this list with a notion of whether the deal is lost or not (red mark). Any thoughts on how I can achieve this? kr, Marc
I used to be able to print my Deals sheet. Now is only prints the screen view. How do I print the screen image when it is multi-pages?
It would be great if Pipedrive could automatically calculate the duration between 2 dates. let me explain: if we have an amount earned per week for example and we indicate that the deal will be signed on 10/07/2024, Pipedrive could automatically output the turnover earned between 10/07/2024 and 31/12/2024.
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