It is quite common to get an e-mail linked on the wrong deal. The only way possible to turn the e-mail to the correct deal is going to your income box, searching for the e-mail, and than, on the right side of the screen, link the e-mail to the correct deal. This takes TOO MUCH TIME. It would be awesome if you could on the…
It's great that PD has some level of two factor security but receiving an email everyday to login is feeling painful. Is that just me or does everyone have to do that? Does it not store a cookie for 30 days or similar? I've been using a password manager for a decade which can very ably do OTP right in my workflow. That…
Is there a real estate template I can copy or gain inspiration from? I know I can figure it out as I go but I thought it would save me time by having a real estate template and then customize it based on my own processes and requirements.
I have been a Pipedrive user for more than 10 years, and I have always asked myself the following: Considering that there are many companies (I would say the majority) that manage brands (either their own or as a representative...e.g. Nestlé) or entire categories (e.g. department stores) And there are more and more people…
Hi There - how do we embed our pipedrive calendar into a website? Many thanks in advance.
Hi all, Is there a way to get immediate email notification for each time a new activity is assigned? I can get the Email summaries once a day, but I want an email for each activity assigned to me and I'd like it to arrive right away instead of waiting for the scheduled daily scheduled email time. Is this possible? Thank you
It seems workflows can only be triggered on create/update/delete of entities (Leads, Organizations, Deals, Activities...), but they cannot be triggered by other events. Since the event of an activity becoming overdue is not caused by a change in the activity, but by a change in the time, it seems there is no way to trigger…
Hi There, My incoming leads (from web forms) are not coming in as having 'marketing consent' even though they are checking the 'opt-in' check box in the form. How can I fix?
This might be something PipeDrive would like to consider? On people, I sometimes have problems on how to pronounce a person's name as well as gender of gender neutral or names from other cultures. Might be something that is a field you add (unless it is already there and I have not yet found it). One can assume that Deonna…
Hi All, I have just set up the Sales Pipeline for my sales team, and they are really getting the hang of it. Therefore, I've decided to introduce them to automations to create sequences. The way I've done it is by adding an "Enroll in Sequence" field, where they can create a new option in the data fields and then trigger…
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