Dependencies in custom fields



  • Gregory Paul
    Gregory Paul Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Yep, would love this. Have raised this one in the past before also. Would salve a lot of issues for my company and increase our data accuracy.

  • Logan Bourns
    Logan Bourns Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This is a fantastic idea!

  • David Blais
    David Blais Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    To be more precise, it would be interesting to link fields with pipes.

    In my case, I have several pipes: On boarding, the one common to all projects, and then one pipe per type of project: real estate, insurance, ...

    These pipes do not require the same data. As the important or mandatory fields, it would be a great help to have the possibility to hide choosen fields according to the pipes.

  • Bas Jelle Kragt
    Bas Jelle Kragt Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #65

    I'll do my best to convince the teams so that hopefully this request comes higher and higher on our priority list. However, at the moment there's no really near term plans to have this feature available to use, sorry.

    Any luck convincing them so far @Mike van der Valk? This feature would be really helpful since we require completely different fields for our different pipelines and it's way too cluttered having them all active on all pipelines.

  • Felix Brumme
    Felix Brumme Member Posts: 26 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #66

    I would like to refer to another suggestion here. In principle, the same is required there, but from the other direction. 

    If you assume that every pipeline has all fields, but you can only see selected ones, then you would not only make the pipelines clearer, but also hide technical fields that are needed for automations. 

    Both problems would thus be solved at the same time.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,035 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited December 2022 #67

    Hi @Bas Jelle Kragt and everyone else.

    I just spoke to our Product manager in charge of custom fields functionality in Pipedrive. They are in Q4 this year doing the research into making this feature happen and want to then work on delivering it next year. Unfortunately right now we don't know yet when that will be but it's on the roadmap.

  • Paris Patrick_49141
    Paris Patrick_49141 Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2022 #68

    I'm sure this isn't a new idea, but hopefully this will boost the idea.

    It would be super helpful to have fields that only appear when certain selections are made in other fields. I.e. If a salesperson selects ABC as their team, a dependent field appears. This field wouldn't appear if other team options are selected.

    When adding custom fields, a "dependent field" checkbox would be available. When checked, you could select the parameters (field and field entry) that would trigger the field to display.

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 151 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #69

    Hi @Mike van der Valk

    Thanks for the feedback. This is urgently needed and quite frustrating that you spend time bringing out campaigns, projects and other features before you've got standard functionality available in your CORE CRM product. Important fields is not the solution, we need different fields for different pipelines. Stop thinking of ways to increase average spend and focus on getting the bread and butter CRM product right first. Then add the bells and whistles.

    Pipedrive is completely unwieldy if you have tons of custom fields. It staggers me that it needs pointing out to Pipedrive. If you just used your own product like your customers do, you'd realise this. Please fix urgently.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,035 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited December 2022 #70

    Hi @Graham Cox_55849 thank you for writing here, our sales teams do use Pipedrive and indeed feel the pain you and many other do.

    I'm happy to let you know that this development has been prioritised for next year. Can I pass on your email address to our Product Manager working on this so that we can connect with you on this solution?

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 151 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #71

    Thanks Mike, yes please. Sorry to rant at you, just very frustrating when such (to my mind anyway) obviously needed functionality of the core product seems to be put on the back burner in place of new products.

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 151 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #72

    Mike, is custom fields for each pipeline likely to be ready by Q1 next year? Thanks.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,035 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited December 2022 #73

    Hi @Graham Cox_55849

    No need to apologise, I understand where you're coming from. In Pipedrive we try to work expanding our product for new use cases but the biggest focus we have is definitely still our core product that our customers love using.

    Custom fields, pipelines, they are all part of this core functionality and we continue to invest to improve here. Based on the current plans we aim for Q1-Q2. Towards the end of the year we'll do some more in depth planning and then we know more.

    Hopefully you understand timelines can change with software development but what's important is that we plan to solve this pain 🙏🏻

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 151 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #74

    Thanks Mike, appreciate the update.

  • DavidJi
    DavidJi Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #75

    +1 Please, this is so important

  • jerlickoffice
    jerlickoffice Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Why is there not custom details pages for each Pipeline? This makes no sense at all. For my buyer clients, I have specific information I need to track; and for my seller clients, I have a different set of information I need to track. For example, does my buyer have purchase financing secured (THIS IS NOT RELEVANT FOR MY SELLER CLIENTS!).

  • Antoni_3526
    Antoni_3526 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I am also very interested. I need it urgently. I've been waiting too long for a solution from Pipedrive.
    If Pipedrive doesn't offer a solution before the end of Q1 2023, then unfortunately I will have to migrate to another product.
    I need custom fields that can be of the following types: conditional, calculable, dependent, visible or invisible, groupable, dropdown, etc...

  • Felix Brumme
    Felix Brumme Member Posts: 26 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I do not understand why it takes so long to solve this problem. 

    If you go the way that every deal has every field, but they are not always visible, then you see that all the necessary elements already exist in PD. They would only need to be adjusted once. 


    1. The visibility of fields is already controlled with the arrow symbols. However, the parameters for this feature are set so that one usually decides to display all fields, because often needed fields are missing.

    2. With the important fields you can already control on the stage level which fields are highlighted. (Right side on the picture)


    Both control structures would now only have to be combined with each other. So you have to create another assignment tree for the visibility and then control the function of the arrow button through this assignment tree. 

    Both functions are applied to deals, organizations, and persons, so there shouldn't be much need for adjustment. 

    However, there would still be problems there:

    • Filters would show sometimes also deal from irrelevant pipelines. (However, this problem also exists now)
      • Solution Filters would then also have to limit the pipeline. 
    • In the areas for organization and contact person one would still be able to see all fields.
      • This is only a problem if a lot of work is done in these elements. The more you work in the deal, the less relevant this problem is.
    • It would still be possible to show and edit all fields in the deal. 
      • One must train here only its colleagues/employees to this attitude accordingly. 


    The proposed solution could certainly be implemented very quickly (probably within a month) and would have a great impact without changing much. In the longer term, a finer solution would still be needed, but more time could be spent on this, because the biggest problems can be solved by this adjustment in the short term. 

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,360 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hello everyone, I’m happy to announce that custom fields per pipeline will be available starting April 2023! Find out more details here.

  • Jens Bohse
    Jens Bohse Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Aberle Do you know if it is planned to have dependencies on custom fields based on the products?

  • MattFlew
    MattFlew Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great that there's now an option for custom fields by pipeline - but are there any plans for dependent fields? We've looked at various other CRM's recently and they all had this feature (and were cheaper!).

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,360 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi everyone, grouping fields into custom groups is coming out! You can find out more here.

  • Jens Bohse
    Jens Bohse Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    But is there a way that certain fields are mandatory when winning if certain products are in the deal? @Manuel Oliveira

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,360 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Jens Bohse not with a trigger like "deal won and contains product X" if that is what you mean.

    But you can make it so an automation is triggered if a deal is won while a certain field is empty. One possibility is to automate the deal to go back to open unless the mandatory field is not empty.

    Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
    edited September 2023 #85

    Hi, all changes are great and we are thankful for that, but we need the option to have dependents fields, items from field 2 (children) depends on what you select in the field1. I've been asking for them for a while, I hope this update comes asap .

    i.e. Primary field = Country, children field=cities, for now in Pipedrive both fields are not linked so users can make some errors and it is difficult to select. The solution for now is adding some prefix like US-New York or DE-Hamburg, but should be another way to do this to not have 500.000 cities in the list like that. Should just show which cities are from the country we select, the same for Cars and its models or Faculties and its carriers or teachers or AREA and its projects...etc.

    I know product team is doing their best, so I hope it update comes soon.


    CRM & Pipedrive Fanatics


  • Administrator_14693
    Administrator_14693 Member Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Our company needs are geared to international travel with Elite athletes. When processing Deals and/ or Onboarding clients, it would be great to have certain fields "visible" depending certain field selections. Ex: If the Person has a "Role" = Parent, then certain fields would not be visible.

    Please advise if this is in the near future as it would greatly help both in Deals, Persona nd Organization.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,360 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited October 2024 #87

    Hi @Administrator_14693 thank you for the feedback! There is an existing thread about the same request, and I’ll merge your post with that one.