Is it possible to archive Contacts?

Marcelina Drozd
Marcelina Drozd Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments 5 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper


If the contact person for a client changes - is it possible to archive the old one? So that we don't lose all the info from the past but the contact does not show in the contact list as active? What are the possible solutions in these cases?


  • Edie Mew
    Edie Mew Member Posts: 168 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes

    Hi @Marcelina Drozd

    Great question!

    There isnt a definitive way or default field which allows you to archive a Contact. You can unlink that Contact from their Organisation once identified they no longer work there. In the Contact Changelog, it will date and time stamp when this unlink happened and with the Organisation tagged too.

    You could add a custom field or use a Contacts Label to define if they are "Active"

    Hope this helps!