Include custom field (a URL) as a hyperlink in an email template

I want to be able to insert field into a hyperlink of an email.
It doesn't seem I can use the dropdown, can I use shortcodes?
e.g see attached - I want to pull out the Email address in a hyperlink.
I would expect the shortcode to look something like this:
[email] or {email} and it would include the persons email.
Is this possible?
Hi @Nas , that is not possible at the moment. But feel free to submit the idea in the Feedback section so that other members can upvote it. The most voted ideas have a higher chance of being developed into a feature 🙂
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The email templates feature is missing many important fields and could be extended.
For example:
- Deal ID - i would like to add the deal ID in the email Subject (for example) or use it in a link (see next suggestion). By saying Deal ID I'm talking about the number at the end of
- Other ID's, like Person ID, Organization ID etc.
- A possibility to create HTML links with fields (a href). Currently we can't create clickable URL's in email templates (Please note - NOT ALL EMAIL CLIENTS render URL's as clickable links if the mail is an HTML mail) so we need the possibility to create real HTML links (a href).
Others will probably require other additional fields. Please let us know in the comments :-)
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we would like to include a custom field (a URL as text) as a hyperlink in an email template.
Please add this feature asap. Would help us a lot :)
As described here by @Nas
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This would be very useful to send customised links to customers!
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Anyone @Pipedriveadmin reading this?
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Hi everyone, I'm the Product Manager for the Email team at Pipedrive, and we're currently exploring ways to enhance the template experience. We'd greatly appreciate the chance to talk with you to delve deeper into this idea. Your insights would be invaluable in making sure the solutions meets your needs. Would you be open to discussing this idea further with us over a call?
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@Meher I would be interested in a call to discuss, for sure
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any news? we need to create dynamics URL links with custom fields.
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Hello everyone!
Stopping by to give an update on this one. This is currently being investigated by our team and they are working on the roadmap for next year. We are hoping this can be added to it, but it hasn't yet been confirmed.
Thanks for your continuous feedback about this!
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@Andreia Costa Hey, we still need this feature. Any update?
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Agreed! This is highly needed.
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Definitely a highly needed functionality for any CRM
@Andreia Costa any update on this?1 -
@Mike van der Valk I have the same issue here with automation :
{}Can we merge the roots of the URL deal and the deal number?
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Yes, same problem. Why can't we add an actual URL to the deal? Seems so basic
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Hey everyone,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feedback on email templates! I see that there's been ongoing interest in adding more merge fields like Deal ID, Person ID, and Organization ID, as well as the ability to create clickable links.
At the moment, this isn't something on our immediate roadmap since we don’t hear this request frequently compared to other email-related improvements that have a higher volume of customer demand. That said, we'd love to understand more about why these fields are important to you and how they would help in your workflows. If you can share specific use cases, that would really help in shaping future improvements!
Looking forward to your thoughts.
Helena from Pipedrive0 -
We for one would need IDs to pass as parameters to other tools. An example is typeform - we send out the questionaire via email to our customers, then some of them answer the survey. Without passing the Ids we will not be able to understand who answered the survey.
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Hi, I would say the contrary on your statement about hearing frequently :).
It's not because the people don't take the time, they don't wonder about it. They may have just abandoned it because they saw many things that should be implemented in the vision of what a CRM should do for our daily use.
The CRM should allow me to cross-reference data—one gathering point! So, it makes no sense if I need to export a data type and re-import it for internal use.
If I can send a deal to Slack, why can I send an automated email with the deal link to another account employee?
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Pipedrive seems out of touch with their customer base. The majority don't seem to care about the AI enhancements, we just want features to work better. There are issues like this that have been around for years now without being addressed. The opening post already explains why these fields and features are important.
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thanks jhollender, my thoughts exactly…the fact that they do not have a functioning double-optin feature for new campaigns subscribers but throw their whole team at AI bots is mindboggling to me.
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@PhilippVanBerlekom Also, I've tried the AI report creator…just for fun because I can create a great report myself. They can't create a report with a line of real revenues with goals. Like superposing the real vs the goal who's normal in managing sales targets
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I work with gpts on a regular basis - these things get so many things wrong and need oversight for everything they do, how would I ever trust them to create reliable reports to base my business decisions on? But the tech sector simply needs its next hype for the investor class - f*** what the users want, simply slap AI on everything you do and watch the markets react. Sorry for the tangent, but it is just really frustrating to witness
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I'm looking to add links into automated emails that say something like:
You can schedule here
Where schedule here is a unique hyperlink. I think this feature would enable me to do that. Is it anywhere on the roadmap?0 -
This has already been discussed for a while, without Pipedrive doing anything about it: