Inbox - Filter by subject line contains

Oliver Raahauge
Oliver Raahauge Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Hey all! I'm looking for a way to filter the inbox to show these two formats:

  • Sbject line contains [IWE]
  • Subject line does not contain [IWE]

Since I am using an email warmup service, I am getting like 300+ warmup emails per day collectively, which all get's bcc'd to Pipedrive. This easily drowns the relevant incoming mail, and I would like a way to filter those warmup emails. All of these emails will have the end tag "[IWE]" in the end of the subject line, so trying to figure if there is a way to filter by subject contains?



  • Oliver Raahauge
    Oliver Raahauge Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Does anybody know where to research this? I cannot see this is possible but it seems like a pretty simple feature

  • mhobbs
    mhobbs Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2022 #3

    Awesome that no one from the community has bothered to respond to Oliver's post.

    If PD is going to offer incoming mail features, it would be better if they adopted some email capabilities from sooner that 1995.

    The email feature is completely useless if I have to go through and individually delete emails. I got auto-generated notifications from my SaaS system that come to my email. I can filter them to a different mailbox on the gmail side, but PD thinks is it better to throw alpha or beta-level feature over the wall without UI/UX evaluation. I guess their User Experience team are in the same place at Twitter's safety and security team...MIA or Riffed.

  • Terra Office
    Terra Office Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper First Comment

    I think the same request was submitted here, I suggest all of us need to vote for it to get "does not contain" filter back), The more people vote the more likely they will return, I definitely used this all the time