Setting up an API in

Sam Boyd
Sam Boyd Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

Hi, can anyone help me figure out how to make an API call using

I am trying to add a note to a Lead using They don't have this feature, but it seems possible using the 'make an API call' with Pipedrive.

This is as far as I got, but I don't think it is correct. has documentation, but the fields differ from the Shopify example in their tutorial. (here:

I read through Pipedrive's API documentation, but I am still lost.

I hope someone can help explain this to me. I would love to use this as an example to learn how to take advantage of their API.



  • Martin Pecha_2338
    Martin Pecha_2338 Member Posts: 145 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Hi, if you want to use the make call API in Make, it works, like this

    URL - here it goes what is at the end of url (you can find in API documentation) - in your case URL = notes

    Method - POST - that is correct

    Headers - this is a place where you communicate how you are sending request - I am telling, that my request will be in form of json

    Key = Content-Type

    Value = application/json

    Query String - leave empty

    Body - this is where json belongs - if you want a simple request - note "abc" to lead_id xy - this is the json

    {"lead_id":"your value","content":"abc"} - you can then play by expanding

    NOTE! Be aware that post api calls can be nasty - you can post something that if you do not understand api calls properly, it can mess your data. Try to experiment on one lead_id and then scale.

  • vierless_leonardo
    vierless_leonardo Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Is it possible to format the text that is passed as content into the note?

    It would be awesome to give it some styling or for example a new line.