Make Workflow Automations editable by anyone with permission

The fact that workflow automations can only be edited by the creator is a problem.
Multiple users manage automations and if an automation needs to be edited, only the creator can edit. What if they are away or no longer with the organization?
Please make it possible for any user with permissions to edit workflow automations.
The admins should be able to work on automations even if another user created them. If an employee leaves the company and he created an important automation, I have to rebuild it if I want to change something. Besides that: I have no clue what these automations really do. An angry ex colleague could send emails to his private account like "won deals" from my company. At least, I should be able to duplicate these automations.
Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about it.
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Exato, concordo.
Um log seria muito bom, alem de saber se esta funcionando, dará para saber quais automações são redundantes, quais são pouco usadas
Agrupar as automações
E permitir que o adm gerencie as automações independe de quem as fez.
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@Bernd Auer thanks for sharing your suggestion. I've updated your topic to include the topic "feedback & suggestions" this is where these kinda post come best to their right
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Hi Bernard 👋 In fact engineers can reassign all of the automations and templates to any user.
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Adina Faiman said:
Hi Bernard 👋 In fact engineers can reassign all of the automations and templates to any user.
Hi Adina,
good to know! And good to know that the engineers are aware, that this is an issue. So I hope this feature will be developed soon :-) Thank you for the information!!!1 -
Mike van der Valk said:
@Nuno Oliveira just tagging you here to take some notes
Notes taken!
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We only have 4 people in our office who are all admin users. I create all the templates and workflows but at the minimum it would be nice if there was a way to clone them so they could use them for there own templates.
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Hi @Rob Farias , thank you for your suggestion!
Currently it is indeed possible to duplicate automations, but not to make them accessible to other users or to "pass them over" to them. I will relay your suggestion to our team for consideration.
Meanwhile, if your end goal is to have a certain automation run no matter which user performs the action that triggers it, all you have to do is make sure that the automation is set to "Triggered by any user".
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Hello, we have been using pipedrive with a small internal sales team at my company for about a year now. We've recently added many of our external sales reps to our account. Most of the external sales team's process/workflow is the same but the triggered tasks are assigned to different people than the internal sales teams tasks.
I was hoping to duplicate automation for specific tasks and change whom the triggered activities were assigned to, then have the external sales team turn off the main automation created, then turn on their specific automation. I don't see where this is possible - they are set up as regular users, not admin users - so they may create automation but it doesn't look like they can see the automation's built buy others in order to turn these on or off.
I don't see where I can change this in their visibility settings. If there is no way to do this, I will have to change all of the automation built and have each user individually set their own automation up manually. Has anyone else encountered this challenge in their business? How did you work around it?
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Hi @Wes Sudsbury , thank you for your feedback ad for documenting your use case so clearly!
Users can duplicate the automations they create, but unfortunately at the moment it's not possible to assign them to other users.
Admin users can see and activate/deactivate automations created by others, but can't edit them. Regular users can only see automations they created. Each user can only edit automations created by themselves.
So for your use case, I'd recommend one of the following options:
- Have an Admin create all the necessary automations to assign leads to different users. Make sure that you include the right user as triggerer and/or owner of the task the automation creates. Or;
- Take a screenshot of the general automation you created and send it to the individual users so they can replicate it and only change certain conditions (for example, who the task gets assigned to). Also be mindful of the "Triggered by me only"/"Triggered by any user" option at the left hand corner of the screen.
I can see how copying an automation and assigning it to another user could be useful, so I've forwarded your suggestion internally for consideration.Hope that helps!
0 - Have an Admin create all the necessary automations to assign leads to different users. Make sure that you include the right user as triggerer and/or owner of the task the automation creates. Or;
Inês Batata said:
Hi @Wes Sudsbury , thank you for your feedback ad for documenting your use case so clearly!
Users can duplicate the automations they create, but unfortunately at the moment it's not possible to assign them to other users.
Admin users can see and activate/deactivate automations created by others, but can't edit them. Regular users can only see automations they created. Each user can only edit automations created by themselves.
So for your use case, I'd recommend one of the following options:
- Have an Admin create all the necessary automations to assign leads to different users. Make sure that you include the right user as triggerer and/or owner of the task the automation creates. Or;
- Take a screenshot of the general automation you created and send it to the individual users so they can replicate it and only change certain conditions (for example, who the task gets assigned to). Also be mindful of the "Triggered by me only"/"Triggered by any user" option at the left hand corner of the screen.
I can see how copying an automation and assigning it to another user could be useful, so I've forwarded your suggestion internally for consideration.Hope that helps!
Thanks @Inês Batata . Hmm ok something to think on further.
The main problem is where activities get assigned. EG Activity 1 is completed, create activity 2 and assign to user x. User X might be different depending on the deal owner. Everything else seems to be working fine. I'll come up with something I'm sure
0 - Have an Admin create all the necessary automations to assign leads to different users. Make sure that you include the right user as triggerer and/or owner of the task the automation creates. Or;
Hi Wes,
When next we speak, I can explain that Pipedrive has a philosophy (correct, I think) that dictates that email in particular can be generated only by a person who explicitly intended to send it. This has implications. Among those implications is that an Admin cannot create automations for others that could-possibly result in email. Other implications, and other similar philosophies, result in the framework that @Inês Batata describes.
I would be happy to replicate the desired automations in your users' accounts for you. Let me know.
We can also chat about what we've done with Integromat and Zapier to make certain other behaviours possible.
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Looking for options to edit and duplicate team mates' workflow-automations. Automations' names are seen currently but without any ability to review, edit or duplicate.
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Thanks for sharing. It's in our backlog of projects to make this better. No eta, but we know we can do better here!
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I need to duplicate my teammate's workflows also. This is paramount to our moving forward. Thank you.
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I find it frustrating that my I can't edit automations created by other users. This should be an option under permissions for each user. Instead, we have to log in and out of each others' accounts to make tweaks to automations (they often overlap/conflict so this is a constant issue). It's insecure to be sharing login details like this within the company, and it's all due to this restriction.
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Can you set up that a specific email goes out by the owner of the deal? I think all subscriptions have a limited number of workflow automations you can set up so the inability to do general automations will be limiting.
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At minimum, admins should be able to see the details of any automation even if we can't edit them. Is there any update on this request? Is it on the roadmap at all? As a new trial-er where can we go to get that kind of info?
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Hello there,
Are there any plans for the future, where the workflow automations can be edited by more than one person?
I think it is a bit dangerous to only hold the automations by only one user. If the user of an active workflow automation gets ill or worse, leave the company, I'm only able to delete this workflow without even knowing what this workflow used to do.
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Yes we would love this ability as well!
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My suggest is that every automation are assigned and creating with admin account.
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Fabrizio Nicolosi said:
My suggest is that every automation are assigned and creating with admin account.
@Fabrizio Nicolosi are you suggesting that would resolve this problem? Or are you suggesting that as another solution for PD to implement? From what I understand, that is currently not available.
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Fabrizio Nicolosi said:
My suggest is that every automation are assigned and creating with admin account.
Yes is not available for the moment, but if you create all automation in your account you don't have the risk that someone leave the company with workflow "settings".
Another thing is that if you haves employe you should have it's login and you can change the workflow.
In the end when you create a workflow you should always write comment and specific what automation do.
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Fabrizio Nicolosi said:
My suggest is that every automation are assigned and creating with admin account.
Sure, thanks. However we have multiple people on our Marketing team responsible for different aspects of the CRM, including automations. What you are suggesting is basically "share your passwords" -- not exactly a secure method for a system to be used by a Manager or Admin.
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Fabrizio Nicolosi said:
My suggest is that every automation are assigned and creating with admin account.
I have to agree with Jared.
It is no option for us to share the passwords.
So i need an option from Pipedrive to see the workflows of collegues and in best case to edit them.0 -
Mine are just suggestion to help.
use the admin account to create automation and stop.
for the moment no other way
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We would also like this feature.
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At Pipedrive development: Is there any solution planned for this problem?
I really require this one.0 -
Any news about that?
Automation can be created from the admin account as suggested, but what about automation with e-mail sending action? Our problem is that all our emails are then sent from the admin adress. ... so that's not a solution.