Subscription Pricing for Products

Matthew Baran
Matthew Baran Member Posts: 27 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes
edited February 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

I believe that having the option to setup your products with a subscription pricing method as an option instead of just total cost of a deal, this would be helpful when using the forcasting tool. As the Insights will be skewed with revenue if it is forecast all in one month when actually it is spread out monthly or quarterly under the subscription model. In todays ever more subscription based world, I feel this would be a simpler way to track this type of revenue. Currently this can be done, but it has to get setup for each individual deal under revenue. Where as if you could set it up on the products that are associated with the deal, then it could be setup correctly from the time you associate a product with a deal.

6 votes

In Development · Last Updated


  • svamann
    svamann Member Posts: 63 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Agreed. This would be very convenient to have.

  • Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco
    Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Pipedrive Team Posts: 97 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Matthew Baran and @Sven Amann_76110 ,

    I completely see the use case. In 2023 we are focusing in improving the Products Catalog with several features.

    Could you send the improvements you would like in Products Catalog for us to take in consideration?

  • Matthew Baran
    Matthew Baran Member Posts: 27 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Yes I will get something down and send it to you. Thank you.

  • Matthew Baran
    Matthew Baran Member Posts: 27 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Pedro - What we are looking to do, is have the ability to add subscription revenue with the reoccurring cycle to a product. Currently in Product you can only add an annual or onetime revenue number for it. So this help in tracking annual revenue, however it skews cashflow numbers as we do not receive all of the revenue up front when a deal closes. So what I see is taking the subscription capabilities from the client record under revenue and allowing them to be applied to the revenue on a product. That way when add a product to a deal with the proper revenue allocation, the forecasting is more accurate and it also enables you to enter it once on a client and not have to add the subscription to each client. One improvement would be to have the subscription module be able to calculate partial month/quarter billing. For example $120,000 in revenue billed quarterly January, April, July, October, but you close the deal in August, the next billing cycle would be October but you need to get paid for August and September, it would know that $20,000 would need to be billed in August on the closing date and then it would adjust to the full amount in October of $30,000. Having this as an option to toggle would be helpful, because if a company bills quarterly on the same months this would be very helpful, though they may just bill quarterly on the anniversary of the deal closing and then it would not be needed. So perhaps a "Prorated" quarter option.

    If you need more input, please let me know.

    Thank you for you consideration.





  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This would be really helpful @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco so I second it. In short:

    I want to be able to create a product that has a recurring revenue value.

    I want to be able to add multiple products onto a single deal, and have those revenue values add up to reflect total monthly value for a deal.

    I want to be able to apply discounts to certain periods of those products individually or collectively on a deal.

    I want to be able to have the total value of that deal represented somewhere for ARR/forecast, but that total value not impact my MRR/forecast when a deal is won or lost in any particular month.

    Hope this helps, also, is there any update on what is coming out in 2023 and when? This will influence my decision to purchase Pipedrive.

  • Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco
    Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Pipedrive Team Posts: 97 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Thanks for the recurring revenue feedback and sharing your use cases.

    Regarding Products we are finalising the research on the features we will be tackling next as we have finished most of technical improvements that were needed for the feature. I will give more information when I have more details 🙏

  • J.M. Boyd
    J.M. Boyd Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any Updates on this feature?

  • Jess Stacey
    Jess Stacey Pipedrive Team Posts: 40 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Matthew Baran @J.M. Boyd @Ash @Sven Amann_76110 👋

    Thanks for your feedback on this topic. I'm the Product Manager currently working on the Products feature and we're about to dive into some research calls to find out about our customers needs around subscriptions and recurring products or services.

    Would you like to jump on call with me so I can learn a bit more about your business and requirements?

    You can book a slot in my calendar here.


  • Luuk (Intractive)
    Luuk (Intractive) Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any updates on these new features? Is it already possible to combine one-offs and subscription in a deal that is counted in the weighted revenue @Jess Stacey and @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco

  • anthonyr
    anthonyr Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper

    This would be extremely helpful. We need both payment plans that are based off of the products added as well as recurring subscription plans based off of products added. We sell home service contracts and we have monthly, yearly and multiple year terms. Our monthly terms are sold as recurring subscriptions and our 1,3,5 year terms sometimes need payment plans where the total cost may be paid for over the first 3,6,18 or 24 months. Being able to then use this additional data to send payment links or setup the payment/subscriptions in our payment platform would bring tons of value.

  • Luuk (Intractive)
    Luuk (Intractive) Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We sell one off training programs and productions together with our subscriptions. The fact that we can't create a deal with both counted in the weighted revenue makes the forecast useless. I already saw so many chat feeds starting from 2019 asking for this, so please let us know if this feature is coming @Jess Stacey and @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco

  • Alex Napier Holland
    Alex Napier Holland Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Wow. Every freelancer I know is trying to shift to subscription payments.

    I've got all my services created as 'products' so I can track and segment their sales.

    I just visited my products section to create some subscription products...

    ...and this simply isn't possible?

    Maybe it's time for me to look for a new CRM.

  • Luuk (Intractive)
    Luuk (Intractive) Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Comment

    Right, it is really weird that this is so important for many of us, and that it is not solved in a long time. Found first question about it dating from 3 years ago.

  • Alex Napier Holland
    Alex Napier Holland Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic

    Yeah. Pipedrive is a subscription product.

    And yet we can't sell subscription services properly on Pipedrive?

    The entire consulting industry is tripping over itself to turn services into subscriptions.

    What a missed opportunity!

  • KatieCowin
    KatieCowin Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Currently on a free trial and trying to establish if Pipedrive is a suitable CRM for our business. The majority of our deals involve both a one-time payment for a physical product which is invoiced upfront, and a 24 month subscription to our software service which will be invoiced monthly. Can Pipedrive support this yet, and if so how do we set up the subscription in products?