Displaying the selected period for shared dashboards

Zak G.
Zak G. Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Hey Pipedrive Team!

When a dashboard has a period set, this period is reflected in the shared version of the dashboard – however, the meta-text on the embedded reports isn't updated.

For example, in a dashboard that has its period set to "This Week" and that contains reports where data is restricted to a particular quarter, the in-Pipedrive view updates the report meta-data correctly, changing the date range for the reports to "This Week" from "This Quarter".

This isn't reflected in shared versions of the dashboard. The view is updated but the meta-data isn't. The viewer will understand that the data is from the specified time range and not from the period selected in Pipedrive.

It would be best to show the selected date range and to update the meta-data per report.

Additionally, while the in-Pipedrive view shows data for the upper left-hand report, the shared version says that the report isn't available.


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