Sorting Deals in a Pipeline View

Hi folks 👋
I know there are a lot of Pipedrive addicts waiting for this feature so I’m trying a new post for this miracle… manual deals sorting in a pipeline stage!
Indeed, I saw a lot of messages in this forum asking about this feature and I agree with you guys: it will be a fantastic (and basic) feature for Pipedrive and all of us!
I’m working with a team of 30 people using Pipedrive everyday to call more than 400 leads a day. All our leads have a scoring (which is basic for lead generation) and we want to call the leads (or "deals" in Pipedrive) according to their scoring. Higher is the scoring, quicker we must call the deal. Nothing new for a sales process 🙈
However we cannot sort our first pipeline stage regarding this lead scoring… We cannot sort at all by the way. So we are playing with filters to make this happen but clearly, it’s inefficient and we lost a significant business opportunities because of that 😰
@Mike van der Valk @Inês Batata
So please, Pipedrive, for this amazing new year, can we hope to have this fantastic, amazing, incredible, crazy, prodigious, world changing feature? You will change our life in something wonderful, like a sweet praline chocolate 😻
(When I said to my teammates I will ask for this feature, they all told me « you know, it’s Pipedrive, a huge company, they don’t give a shit about our feedbacks, it’s a lost of time asking them a new feature… please prove them that they’re wrong! 🙏🙏🙏)
@Martin Pfeiffer @Brad Krause_13404 @Paul Wood_29660 @Peter Birch @Moshe Miller @Travis Waycott @Ivanna Granelli @John_54441 @David Piercy @Kai Ren @John Neal @Ulla Knudsen @Amit Sarda - Pipedrive Consultant - @James Watson_10279 @Pierre Couture @Zac_52452 @Martin Eckardt @Vanesa Allonca @Òscar_73262 @Christian Aymé @Outbound @Felix Brumme @Scott Lowry @Mathias Brask @Melinda Martin @Indie Campers @TheOther @Burak Hüseyinoglu @Ségolène Decroly
Guys, don’t hesitate to comment + share this post and vote for it. I also sent a message to Elon Musk to promote this demand but he didn’t answer yet (quite busy with Twitter maybe).
God save the King! Cheers 🤙
(I’m sorry for my terrible English, I’m a French native trying to claim his frustration in a Shakespearean language)
Totalement d'accord avec vous Agathe !
Il serait très intéressant de pouvoir trier notre vue de la pipeline pas seulement par les activités mais également sur des champs personnalisés.
Je sais que Pipedrive va beaucoup travaillé cette année sur les champs personnalisé mais également les pipelines.
Beaucoup de nos clients attendent cette fonctionnalités aussi.
Au plaisir de pouvoir échanger ensemble :)
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This is a basic feature and would be simple to implement. Sorting with options (by name, value, date last actioned, activity date, lead score, organisation etc, etc).
c’mon Pipedrive, surely this deserves a response?
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This is possible by using the LIST view on the deals pane (see attached). Then, create a filter for just that pipeline or even more specifically that stage of your pipeline. Next, make sure your SCORING field is added to the list by using the gear icon on the far right. After your scoring field is added to the table, then you can click the field at the top of the table to sort greatest to least or least to greatest.
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Hi @David Piercy !
Yes, I know this filter very well.
However the LIST view is not designed for a sales process, it’s more designed for the team leaders and product owners who want to extract some data from the pipeline. So our sales don’t use this view for their day-to-day work.
On the contrary, the PIPELINE view is designed for a sales process (deals in stage 1, 2, 3 and so on). But here, tell me if I’m wrong, we cannot sort our stages. The sorting is forced by Pipedrive.
So the problem stays the same, our scoring is useless, we lose business efficiency and my life is awful 😣
You don't want this feature for your team @David Piercy ? I'm sure you do 😁
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What if you just created some sort of automation that any time someones score is over X-amount it automatically moves it into a HIGH PRIORITY stage within your pipeline? Is that a possible workaround until they get this new feature? This would at least put all the high important ones in a bucket to separate them from the pack.
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Yes, it’s exactly what we do with a three priority level:
However this system has many weaknesses :
- Doesn’t match exactly our lead scoring criteria
- Generates a psychological bias for our sales teams, a bad nudge if you wants
- Demands some actions to the sales when they play with the filters
In the end, this solution has bad consequences on our scoring which is dynamically updated according to the conversion rate for each kind of lead we generate. If we sort our deals automatically according to their scoring, we overpass those weaknesses. But yes, I agree in advance: The salesperson can see the scoring in the deal cards. However they never do it (or rarely).
And I guess many people want to sort their stages with other criteria than scoring. So our lives are still very sad 😥
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I agree sorting the deals should be a no brainer with Pipedrive. Good luck, keep discussing with your team ideas on what can work for them.
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Some other ideas to help you
- Maybe you need a 4th bucket for EXTREMELY HOT URGENT
- Notifications when something is Extremely hot, plus an email notification to the customer showing them you will be in touch
- Notification email to sales team and manager if they have not responded to HOT / URGENT leads within 24 hours
- Use the labels to color code things on your deals dash pane.
Just some other ideas to help. Maybe someone on your team has some other ideas too. :)
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Pipedrive is supposed to be used by the sales team from the Activities List view. There you can sort the list by lead scores.
Being able to sort deals in the pipeline view wouldn't help much, IMHO.
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Hi @Agathe Caillot and all the community, thank you for your continued feedback and contributions, the more we know about your needs, the better we can develop future improvements! And I can assure you that, unlike Elon Musk, we are definitely not spending all our time on Twitter and listen to your valuable input 😉
I have taken this feedback to our product team, and can tell you already that there are some improvements planned for the Pipeline View. Stay tuned for more news!
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@Amit Sarda - Pipedrive Consultant - Your sales team really using the Activities List View for their day-to-day work? and not the Pipeline View? Because here none is using the Activities List View among the sales team… Just curious 😊
Thank so much for your answer @Manuel Oliveira 🚀
I’ve got an answer from Elon yesterday : “Great news! If Pipedrive adds a sorting feature in their pipeline view, I change the Twitter's icon by a tiger”... I really don’t know if it’s a great idea for Twitter, but I’m sure adding a sorting feature will be fantastic et very helpful for all of us.
Great to hear that you have some improvements planned for the Pipeline View! Do you know when we can expect to have news about those improvements? Not a specific date but just a month, or at least a quarter? 😻
Our teams are excited to hear more about those improvements! It will be for them a new Christmas after Christmas (good or bad, that depends on what it will be in the 🎁, like a gift from auntie Simone).
Thank you again for your feedback @Manuel Oliveira and your fantastic work, kudos to the Pipedrive team!
PS: @Outbound if you find a quick fix in the meantime, I’m really interested 😉