How do I assign a default pipeline?

Chris_30924 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary

I have 4-5 active pipelines for different purposes. How do I designate one of them as my default pipeline, so that 'deals' always opens in this pipeline?



  • ddutra
    ddutra Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Likes First Answer Name Dropper

    Hey @Chris_30924

    There might be a setting for this. I am not sure at this time as all my deals are created by APIs.

    For me the deal is always created on the pipeline that is currently active on the user browsing.

    If you want to enforce new deals to be created on an specific Pipeline you can always create an automation with trigger being created deal and action being change stage to the stage you want. That will enforce your default.

    Hope it helps and as always I am available for hire for all things Pipedrive.

  • Justin Hess
    Justin Hess Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic

    I want the same thing. We operate out of multiple pipelines, and I would like to set it so that by default it always opens to a certain pipeline. As of now, it seems as though it is random for each user and there is no setting to change this. It feels as though it should be a simple setting to add.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    Hi, as @ddutra mentioned the "default" pipeline is the last one you had on your browser window. So if you log out or close a tab and then go back to your account, the last pipeline you had on your pipeline view is the one you will see on your screen. And when clicking the "add deal" button, the default pipeline will also be the one on the screen.
    As it was also suggested, you can send every newly created deal to a specific pipeline automatically using a workflow automation.

  • Justin Hess
    Justin Hess Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic

    Hi Manuel,

    Thanks, however, this is not the case. As soon as the program is closed and restarts, the last used pipeline is not the one that shows, it resets to the first ever created pipeline in my case. And, the default pipeline on the "add deal" view is the one on the screen, but this is not super helpful if my guys still need to change the pipeline on the screen every time they log in.

    And yes, I am very familiar with automations and I have several automations created for such instances where that is helpful. However, we do a lot with manually entering deals following conversations. And, even our sales guys work out of pipelines on a daily basis, and they get frustrated with their pipelines constantly resetting to some "default" state that does not seem possible to change.

    Really, this is a minor issue that just adds an extra 2-second step. I was just curious if there was a simple setting or even a workaround that I was missing here somewhere.