New: Formula custom fields (Calculation) 🧮

Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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edited February 2023 in What's New #1

We are happy to announce that this often-requested feature is being released! Find out all about it here 🚀

What: You can make a numerical or monetary deal custom field calculate a value based on values from other deal fields.

For whom: Pro and Enterprise users

When: Gradual release starting February 2023



  • Lucas MAGNE
    Lucas MAGNE Member Posts: 158 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Awesome ! Can't wait to try it 💥

  • Alan Teece
    Alan Teece Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    OK but very limited. What I really need is the ability to do mathematical operations on a custom field from many organisations - like doing a sum in excel on a column called 2023 Revenue. So I can then add up my revenue from hundreds of customers. Surely this can't be that hard?

  • Bruck
    Bruck Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This was for me the most exciting news since it was one of the largest limitations of Pipedrive!!!

  • Max J
    Max J Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Very excited to see this rolled out and have access to it!

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 149 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Brilliant news, this will come in really handy, thanks Pipedrive.

  • Markus Funk
    Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great can' wait to try it out as it will solve a lot of issues!

  • Mathias Brask
    Mathias Brask Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira , will this only work for deals or will it also be available for other parts of the products. For example the "products" module etc.?

    Also when stating that it is going to work on deals; will it be able to read the "cost of the associated products to a deal" and thereby make a calculation/sum of these products to calculate gross profit of a deal?

    That is kind of a nobrainer, since having the correct prices of deals is neccessary.

  • andrew_pag
    andrew_pag Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I dont have this feature in my pipedrive... do I have to enable something for it to show up?

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira Still in BETA, right? :-) But would be great if add our PD Experts and PDX - Textumgebung to the test group. Can't wait to test it!

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @andrew_pag , the release is gradual and will go on throughout February / March 2023. All going as expected, by the end of March all Pro / Enterprise users should see this feature 🚀

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Mathias Brask have a look in our knowledge base article here for more details on what this feature is able to do at launch.

  • Craig Beaumont
    Craig Beaumont Member Posts: 71 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Will this be available to Advanced Plan users 🤞

  • Nico Müller
    Nico Müller Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    awesome! just learned it will be launched on the 24th of February! Really looking forward to that!

  • Matěj Kříž
    Matěj Kříž Member Posts: 105 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2023 #15

    Pipedrive often warns about hidden costs in competing products in its articles. But after a while of using it you realize that Pipedrive is doing the same. 🤔This is one of the examples. Another is for us for example "revenue forecasting" in Insights or Custom fields and reports which are features available only for the "better" users with Pro or Enterprise plans.

    I was so happy to see that this feature is coming. Pipedrive will be a bit more usable for us. Great.

    But not for all of us. 😥 We are "only" Advance plan users. You have to pay more to get this a long-promised feature, which is also quite common in other CRMs. Sad. Really sad politics.

    Please, Pipedrive, consider making this feature available to all paid plans.

    With "revenue forecasting" in Insights it's a similar story: is only thing which we would like to use in the Insights and it is also unavailable for Advance plan users. 😤 When we are entering "deal value", "deal probability" and "deal expected close date" we were logically looking forward to being able to work with forecasts in Insights. But we are "only" Advanced users, so we are out of luck with Pipedrive. And also as Advanced users not being able to use Custom fields in reports makes the Insights an almost useless tool for us.

    It's a really well thought out strategy to force users to upgrade to a higher plan with these hidden unavailability of options. I consider it a terribly unfair trick.

  • Mathias Brask
    Mathias Brask Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira unfortunately the knowledge base article is not describing anything about products. Will you be able to hand the feedback further on. Since you are now releasing a calculation field, it somehow must be in Pipedrive's interest to let its customers start calculating profit on their deals. At the moment such thing cannot be done, due to the limitations of products, despite that the "cost" of a product, is a standard field made available from Pipedrive.

    Would be awesome to have this added, and will finally open up for not having to use other software-tools etc, to calculate such a basic thing.

    Later on, you could enhance the future of such a solution so that triggers in workflows will be available based on the "numbers" in that calculation field etc.

  • Emma Melling
    Emma Melling Member Posts: 22 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    It would be great to have this field available for organisations too. We would use this in conjunction with our custom fields to e.g. work out a cost per hire or % uptake etc

  • noone0909
    noone0909 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2023 #18


  • Gian Marco - InCodice
    Gian Marco - InCodice Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great feature, @Manuel Oliveira ! I would need to extend this feature to product fields. Our customers are asking for fields like net product price (typically net price= standard price -from products- * discount -from deal or organization-) to be calculated and used with Smart Docs to create automated quotations. Is is something we will see in the next weeks ?

  • Craig Beaumont
    Craig Beaumont Member Posts: 71 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    What he said @Gian Marco - InCodice

    This should be available to all subscription levels really as I would this this would be a fundamental feature for must for all businesses.🙏

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2023 #21

    While this is needed in products more than anywhere else, I'm confident it will be there eventually. There's a lot of fields in the products side of things that are useless and from what I've been reading in various discussions, products is getting a huge overhaul.

  • Brandon Wood
    Brandon Wood Member Posts: 65 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Can it calculate commission based on 2 fields? For example deal value $ x commission % that is in another field that I have created?

  • Matěj Kříž
    Matěj Kříž Member Posts: 105 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2023 #23

    Pipedrive solution should be similarly powerful to Zoho CRMs calculated field.


    Or it's too ambitious? May be Pipedrive think that it's users are more basic users and do not need these "advance" calculations.

    And why the hell is this field type limited to DEALs only? It´s beyond me. And in addition it's only available for more paying users. Gr8.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hello everyone! We are very happy here at Pipedrive with your response to this new feature, and the feedback provided 🚀

    As mentioned in the knowledge base article here, this version of formula fields only applies to Deals for now. However, as we get the opportunity to review feedback and continue research, it could eventually extend to other items (people, organizations, etc). As of this comment, we are unfortunately not able to provide a timeline for such future updates as it won’t be in the very short term.

    Please do keep upvoting and sharing your use cases for improvements to this feature in Ideas and Product Feedback. Your input was fundamental in making this feature happen, and will continue to be 📝

  • Mathias Brask
    Mathias Brask Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira " it won’t be in the very short term." How come, you do develop such a functionality without thinking about extending it to other areas of your product?

    At the moment the calculation-abilities are very strict / limited, and seems like a beta-version compared to a better setup.?

  • Matěj Kříž
    Matěj Kříž Member Posts: 105 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2023 #26

    @Manuel Oliveira, I really don't envy your job. 

    If I wanted to be rude, which I don't, I'd write that your job could really easily be replaced by a Chatbot. All you'd have to do is put in a few sentences like (+ lot of emoji):

    Something positive:

    • Your post is very interesting.🚀
    • Your opinion, as a community, is crucial to us. 🧑‍🎓
    • Don't hesitate to write us feedback, it's the only way we can improve our beloved ❤️ Pipedrive together.
    • We're working hard.💪 We have added a new field that I can count 1+2 🥳, multiplication is already planned for next year🎇. Something to look forward to.
    • We have a great new feature that is sure to make you all very happy. Tomorrow it will be available to all 😜 Enterprise 🤑 users.

    Something less positive, but correct, that won't offend:

    • I'm sure it will happen one day, but probably not very soon.
    • It's already in the works, but a specific release date is not yet known. Stay tuned.

    I wish you get the opportunity from your development team to write only really useful and pleasing news.

    (...and if you're not a chatbot, I hope you have a sense of humor. 😘)

  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great feature which I'm really looking forward to using!

  • Hannes Kiivet
    Hannes Kiivet Pipedrive Team Posts: 4 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    @Mathias Brask, you are correct that the feature is quite limited, but you can rest assured that Pipedrive always develops functionality by thinking about extending it to other areas of our product. Personally, I would be super happy to provide all those SUM(), COUNT(), etc functions that work across all products, contacts, etc, but I am not our average customer 🙂 As with all modern SaaS companies we are rather releasing something very useful for most users, measuring takeup, collecting feedback, and then improving it with iterations. The current version of the formula feature is first released to the most used object in Pipedrive - deals - and after we have seen the initial take-up of the feature we plan to roll it out to other objects (incl. products). We have also included feedback collection in this feature usage flow so that we won't miss any of our users' ideas & suggestions.

  • Mathias Brask
    Mathias Brask Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Hannes Kiivet i see your point of view, and do agree on some parts of it.

    The most frustrating part at the moment (when using a deal) is the option of NOT being able to calculate "gross margin". It is key-figure to know when doing sales. Do we earn money or do we just sell... that is what such a number will show. And since we already do have a "cost" field on products (which can be related to deals), it then seems like a no-brainer that Pipedrive haven't solved this before. That could however be solved with a simple functionality of retrieving the cost-price of the associated products to the deal and then to a "product price minus product cost price = sum() and then you would have an awesome SaaS.

    At the moment integrating pipedrive with other systems (account-software) is not working probably, since sales agents would then need to use the accounting software aswell for calculating the gross margin etc. instead of just focusing on working entirely in Pipedrive.

    We are talking about hundred of hours that could be saved here...

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    There's lots of fields in products that aren't being used. They are roughed in but not much use. Via the api I can see there's variant descriptions but no way to input them.

    I'm hesitant to do much with more with products currently as they plan to update that part of the system this year and don't want to spend any time until they have.

  • Matěj Kříž
    Matěj Kříž Member Posts: 105 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Hannes Kiivet , you wrote: are correct that the feature is quite limited, but you can rest assured that Pipedrive always develops functionality by thinking about extending it to other areas of our product.

    I believe I can say: We all here think this way - you don't have to assure us of that. If it were otherwise, that would be too bad.

    When using software, we naturally assume that if a feature makes sense, it will be available in all components/modules of the system. Thus: multiple labels everywhere - not just on DEALs but also on PERSONs, ORGANIZATIONs, PRODUCTs,... and same for formula fields not just in DEALs etc.

    Personally, I would be super happy to provide all those SUM(), COUNT(), etc functions that work across all products, contacts, etc, but I am not our average customer.

    I believe I can say: It would make all users super happy. Show me one person who would be saddened. Would that be your mythical "average customer"? Then I'd like to meet him... 

    As with all modern SaaS companies we are rather releasing something very useful for most users, measuring takeup, collecting feedback, and then improving it with iterations.

    How do you get information about what features will be useful to the most users? How do you measure this? Anyway - I'd have a suggestion: how about you take the list of the most expected CRM features, check if Pipedrive supports them, and if not, add them ASAP. What do you say? E.g. multiple labels on all objects, one person in multiple companies, etc.

    We have also included feedback collection in this feature usage flow so that we won't miss any of our users' ideas & suggestions.

    Try asking this user group how satisfied they are with this new formula field after 3 years of asking.

    I promised @Inês Batata I'd just be nice, hopefully my post doesn't contradict the Community Guidelines like last time.

This discussion has been closed.