Hyperlinks in messages in MS Teams

Jakob Thusgaard
Jakob Thusgaard Member Posts: 23 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Name Dropper

Hello all

Can't imagine this hasn't been asked before, but I just can't find it, so here goes:

When you integrate MS Teams with Pipedrive, it's great that you can receive a message in Teams when something happens in Pipedrive.


...is it accurate that it's not possible to include a hyperlink to the activity, contact, deal, or company in the message in MS Teams? Would seem logical to be able to do, right?


  • Guillaume
    Guillaume Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I actually went through the same thing just yesterday.. and it works (sometimes though with a workaround).

    (1) I suggest you start by using one of the workflow templates for "MS teams"..like the one to celebrates "won" deals. There the fields you can use in the message are displayed. You need to use "linked deal" so it creates an hyperlink in your MS teams message.. see 2 screenshots.

    (2) For certain other workflows, not based on templates, (e.g. I want to be notified of a lead per email, or of a new created deal per email) the hyperlinks were not available.. so the support helped me find a "trick": i.e. insert the generic link (for instance to the lead inbox generic link), remove the "hyperlink" (i.e. move to plain text), replace the end by the "Lead ID" field or "deal ID" field..and here you go!

  • Jakob Thusgaard
    Jakob Thusgaard Member Posts: 23 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Name Dropper

    So if I understand you correctly, @Guillaume, the workaround is to do something like this to show a specific activity:

    https://{instance}.pipedrive.com/activities/list/user/{userID}?selected={ACTIVITY ID}&tab=activity

    In the above URL all you do is insert the Activity ID variable in the to be sent text, right? I've set that up - testing it now.

    Thanks a lot for chiming in.

  • Guillaume
    Guillaume Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Yes copy the page URL of where you want to link to (Lead inbox? Pipeline? Activities list?), and add the ID at the end (be it the lead id, deal id, activity id that you want to open). Be sure to work in plain text when you do so, otherwise hyperlink won’t “merge”.

    In the other example, i sent you a screenshot of there was also in that template for MS teams a “Linked Deal” field.. so that one did not even need the workaround.

  • Jakob Thusgaard
    Jakob Thusgaard Member Posts: 23 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Name Dropper

    Meanwhile took some time to implement this, @Guillaume , and sending the message works, and the links looks right.

    Except... MS Teams doesn't pick up on the fact that it's a hyperlink. As a result the link can only be copied and pasted, not clicked directly in Teams.

    Tried setting it up using HTML, which works for me elsewhere using Zapier, but that didn't quite work.

  • Guillaume
    Guillaume Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic


    Did you go "plain text" when you added the link in the workflow?..

    I have several worfklows using that trick, and both for MS teams or for emails the hyperlink is clickable (without needed to copy-paste).

    I suggest you open a chat with support..they were mega helpful when I was creating those, and always helped me until it worked as I wanted

  • Jakob Thusgaard
    Jakob Thusgaard Member Posts: 23 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Name Dropper

    As far as I can tell, that's not an option, @Guillaume !? Don't see "plain text" anywhere when creating that kind of automation.

  • maxpelz
    maxpelz Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited May 2023 #8

    Not working for us either for Desktop and Web App, but does work for Mobile. We tried all suggested solutions. This should be working natively, without workarounds. HubSpot is displaying a neat little button for this (both in Slack and MS Teams).