Multi-language forms & chat

Hello! It would be nice if the website is available for users in different countries to be able to use web-forms and chat in different languages as well.
These should recognise the language of the person using it to show them the fields according to their language preference.
Modern websites today are delivered statically and when a user changes the language on the page the page itself does not reload, which results in that we can only use one language playbook (script) on our website.
When the user switches the website language the chat and the playbook stays in the original logic and language which is more harm than use.
Is there a way to change the language (playbook script) by sending an API call?
Is there a way for the script to read the URL and change to another language by recognising the language slug in the URL?
Is there a way for the script to read a language tag in the code and switch to another language by recognising the language tag in the code?