Emails should automatically be counted as activities

Brandon Wood
Brandon Wood Member Posts: 62 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes
edited October 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Why are emails not automatically considered activities like phone calls are? When I run filters based on last activity none of my recent emails count as activities. However, my phone calls are. Therefore, I have to go through the extra step of creating an email activity and marking it as done after I send an email.

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  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,004 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited February 2022 #2

    Hi @Brandon Wood , thank you for your feedback!

    We make this distinction because we see the creation of an email type of Activity as a reminder to something, and the actual sending of the email as the action that needs to be done (the same way you have to mark a Meeting type of activity as done after you've attended that meeting).

    With calls made using the Caller feature, it's true that we made that connection easier, although you can still create Call type of activities manually and mark them as done manually too (if you made the call directly from your phone, for example).

    I can see how emailing is has a specificity to it that having an activity automatically created and marked as done associated with each message sent would be useful, so I'm forwarding your suggestion internally to our team.

    In the meantime, if you're sending emails that can be constructed using an email template, I would suggestion creating a Workflow Automation where creating or marking a certain type of activity as done would trigger the sending of an email message using said template.

  • Brandon Wood
    Brandon Wood Member Posts: 62 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2021 #3

    Hi @Brandon Wood , thank you for your feedback!

    We make this distinction because we see the creation of an email type of Activity as a reminder to something, and the actual sending of the email as the action that needs to be done (the same way you have to mark a Meeting type of activity as done after you've attended that meeting).

    With calls made using the Caller feature, it's true that we made that connection easier, although you can still create Call type of activities manually and mark them as done manually too (if you made the call directly from your phone, for example).

    I can see how emailing is has a specificity to it that having an activity automatically created and marked as done associated with each message sent would be useful, so I'm forwarding your suggestion internally to our team.

    In the meantime, if you're sending emails that can be constructed using an email template, I would suggestion creating a Workflow Automation where creating or marking a certain type of activity as done would trigger the sending of an email message using said template.

    @Inês Batata Thank you for the reply. The template idea wouldn't work for me because my emails are typically very specific to the deal (project). Also, there can be dozens of emails for one project and sometimes over 50 between the customer and myself plus other people involved in the proposal.  This is why it is difficult for me to create an "activity" for each email. When prospecting I will occasionally use a bulk email service. Again it would be nice that these individual emails sent in a bulk email came through counted as activities. 

  • Alan Beard
    Alan Beard Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #4

    Just to comment that I have the same view as Brandon and would find it very useful if emails were classed as activities. Like him all of my emails are personalised and not from templates. Also thinking about it I probably would not want to class a template based email as an activity because it would probably be a general marketing email rather than something specific to a project.

  • Jorge Martínez Marbán
    Jorge Martínez Marbán Member Posts: 33 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2020 #5

    Just to comment that I have the same view as Brandon and would find it very useful if emails were classed as activities. Like him all of my emails are personalised and not from templates. Also thinking about it I probably would not want to class a template based email as an activity because it would probably be a general marketing email rather than something specific to a project.

    @Inês Batata I have the same thought with Alan and Brandon. The way it is working now is non-productive

  • Brian Quade
    Brian Quade Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #6

    100% in agreement with this.  If I've synced my email client with Pipedrive, and therefore, Pipedrive can see all emails sent and associate those emails with people, organizations, deals, leads etc... within Pipedrive, then it should (like the phone calling feature) generate an email activity and mark it as completed so that all of the sales activity reporting can be done in one easy report.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,035 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited April 2021 #7

    Thanks all for sharing. We're making sure our team takes a look at these suggestions, hopefully we can improve the ease of usage for you all in the future!

  • Rafael Campos
    Rafael Campos Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2020 #8

    I am on it too. This will save time for all.

  • Keith Reilly_28708
    Keith Reilly_28708 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2021 #9

    Agree on this one as well.  Would love to see emails count as activity.  I was specifically looking for this functionality.

  • Francois Mazieres
    Francois Mazieres Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #10

    after 6 weeks of using pipedrive and wanting to check on customers who have been left out. I discover Pipedrive doesn't consider mail as an activity.
    so for me ...this is the end and the start of looking for another tool. Too many features are missing.


  • Dan Long
    Dan Long Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited November 2021 #11


    I just wanted to agree that registering emails as an activity is vital. Any update on this Pipedrive?





  • Gabbyc
    Gabbyc Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi - Has there been any update on this since 2021?

    In order to see what activity is taking place each week from my team, I need to be able to see how many emails are being sent out by them.

    Any news? Thanks

  • Sven Braam
    Sven Braam Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Bump? It's already 2024 already.

  • Iomar
    Iomar Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Bump bump - I also really need to see email activity.

  • Gustavo Enzo
    Gustavo Enzo Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    4 year later and nothing? It's such a basic feature, that would improve the experience for most of the users.

  • twillberg
    twillberg Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We've been also waiting years for this and nothing is happening. You are about to loose another customer soon.

  • BGreeriii
    BGreeriii Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Inês Batata What is happening with this? I have invested several months into Pipedrive and this is a huge problem. Is it being fixed by providing us the option to make emails count as an activity with a client/lead/contact? If not I am leaving also. You need to define activities properly. I seems like you are merging two definitions for activity and its confusing your programming and your customers.

  • RRyan
    RRyan Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Is this the only thread for this? Anything new here? Is there any resolution on this front? Manually creating an activity just to clear with every email sent seems inefficient, but what I am doing currently to ensure that I can see who has been engaged.

  • Samuel Hunter
    Samuel Hunter Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Been waiting for an update on this one for 2 years now… Anything???

  • Andy Davidson
    Andy Davidson Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This is a sales reporting disaster, and it will stop me from recommending Pipedrive to my clients. The Pipedrive CRM knows how many emails have been sent and recieved to leads and contacts, why is it not possible to report on this either in Pipedrive's native reporting or via its API?

  • Brandon Wood
    Brandon Wood Member Posts: 62 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    It has been 4 1/2 years since I originally posted this, and there have been no updates. It seems like an easy ask and update.

  • playa
    playa Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    1000% agree with this. PLEASE BRING THIS TO PIPEDRIVE

  • twillberg
    twillberg Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Yes, this would for sure be useful for many many many of your customers. For us too.

    So please confirm that someone is even reading this community from developer side and this has been added to your "wishlist" or what ever.

  • Kai Ren
    Kai Ren Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Some feedback from Pipedrive's side would be appreciated. How can it just be completely ignored for years?!

  • jhollender
    jhollender Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I need this too. I don't understand why Pipedrive can't just make it available as an activity. The activities filter even includes Email as a type, but it doesn't work. Please fix!