Korean Translation Error: year unit '년'

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 119 VERIFIED MEMBER
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This is Ted from Hashsnap, a master reseller in South Korea.

I'm forwarding a bug report from my client. It's about the date format in Pipedrive web app.

Consider a date 2023-02-23 in ISO 8601 format. This can be written in English and Korean as follows:

  • English: February 23, 2023
  • Korean: 2023년 2월 23일

This can be simplified by removing the year field if the date is in 2023.

  • English: February 23
  • Korean: 2월 23일

In English version, we can see that this simplification works. We don't see the year field '2023' in the date format.

In Korean version, however, we still see the year unit '년' in the Korean date notation. The simplified notation should be '2월 23일', not '년 2월 23일.'

I believe that the developers forgot to remove the year unit for the simplified date notation. Would you please remove this unnecessary year unit '년' from the Korean version?

Hope this helps.

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