Is it possible to append Deal records in bulk using CSV?

Michael Dillon
Michael Dillon Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Photogenic
edited March 2023 in Sales CRM #1

I want to append a large bulk of Deal records using a CSV file, but when I upload the file, it tries to add the appended records as new deals instead of updating the existing records.

Background: We are appending a large group of records with a "0" in a custom field for a tracking project. Because we are doing a large amount of records, I am adding the "0" to the custom field using a CSV file I downloaded from a filter that I created. In a series of tests I have uploaded 10 records with the appended field in a CSV file and even though I map all the fields correctly and select the option to merge data with existing records, PD still wants to add the uploaded records as new deals instead of updating the existing deals. Am I missing a step or is what I am attempting not possible to do?



  • ADWeaver
    ADWeaver Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Can't say I've done this with Deals (I've done it with Activities). Obviously the most important field is the Deal ID. The other thing I've found is to reduce the number of fields you're importing to the bare necessity. Delete all the columns that you're not making updates in, and just include the Deal ID and the Fields with information that you want to update.

    To troubleshoot this, start with a single line, a deal ID and a single update field and see if that works.

  • Audrey Hometown
    Audrey Hometown Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    What is the meaning of "empty merge fields" when sending a group email? I wonder what is missing. I include the contact's name, email address, phone number, and physical address in all of my records, but a portion are not delivered because of empty merge fields.

    Thank you.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,371 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers Third Anniversary

    Hi @Audrey Hometown one possible reason is that within the group of contacts you selected, some could be missing information for merge fields that you added to the email body.

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