What is the best way to show commission splits for Deals w/ multiple sales agents?

Stephanie Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER

We are having to currently create two separate deals for both of their pipelines and for them to put their split of gross commission in the value field so their pipeline reflects their personal commission but then we have two of the same deals showing for our COO admin view and the two agents have to pick which deal they are going to maintain info and activities in. Is there a work around of something coming soon? I should clarify as well that the commission splits are different for each deal and sometimes between 3 or 4 agents not just 2.


  • inacyakup
    inacyakup Member Posts: 179 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary 5 Likes First Answer First Comment

    Hi Stephine,

    1- You can add 2 options as ownership within the agreement. For example, the Owner-Responsible. In this way, you can explain the commission rates and move forward in a more efficient way.

    2- You can create tags for your users and add tags to the agreement, set commission fees according to the colors of the tags.

    Good Works

  • Dexter49
    Dexter49 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Establish clear guidelines and rules for how commission splits will be determined. Consider factors such as the contribution of each sales agent, the level of involvement in closing the deal, and any predetermined commission structures or agreements.