Problem: reCAPTCHA hint under the web form makes no sense and is incorrect


If the reCAPTCHA is activated for a form, under the embedded webform it shows the text "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."? We don´t want to have that there because this is already in ower data privacy policy and I don´t want to have it there again.

Pipedrive was changing it that makes no sense and affects our contact with the customer. Why should there be a reference to Google reCAPTCHA in an "embedded" form but not in a "standalone" form? It makes no sense. If it does, the reference should be at "Standalone". Specifically, I would like to ask that this Google Recaputre reference be immediately given a function to switch it on and off in the form configuration. I am very annoyed by this pointless change in Forms, as it negatively affects our customer communication. We have all the regulations on Google reCAPTCHA in our privacy policy and having it in the form again has a negative impact on the customer!

Again to Pipedrive: Please can you and the legal and the product and whatever team also tell me, whey the message appears in the Embedded Forms and not in the Standalone Forms? That makes absolutly no sense. If than it need to be the other way around or in both.

Pipedrive Support wrot to that problem "So after testing I do see the ReCaptcha does not show up in the preview or as the standalone. I'll try reaching out to see if this is something that can be controlled for Webforms."

and than

"I got word back from our Engineers and they mentioned the following:

"reCaptcha is a service owned by Google and in order for us to use the protection the message is required. The user is able to turn the spam protection off on the form and they won't see the message, but chances are their spam entries may increase."

As for the issue with it not displaying on the standalone the engineers are reaching out to the developers to see why this is."

and than

"Firstly, I would like to clarify that this message is required in order for us to use reCaptcha. Our engineers have informed us that this message should be displayed on both embedded and standalone forms. So our developers have decided to take a closer look at this situation and investigate why it is being displayed only in embedded mode.

Our team will start working on this matter as soon as they can, and we will let you know when we have any news from them. We appreciate your patience while we wait for an update."

After that, there were no further updates and no solution. It is frustrating.

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