Some Feedback: Focus on upgrading main functions and dont look into new fields

Pipedrive Gurus
Pipedrive Gurus Member Posts: 38 VERIFIED MEMBER
5 Up Votes Second Anniversary 5 Likes 10 Comments

Hi Community!

please discuss about the following words. Not about specific functions, but about the topic!

I love to work with Pipedrive for me and my customers. The main CRM-Tool with the possibility to automate is genius. In combination with zapier or make almost everything is possible. Now the big BUT... Almost all integration that where added in the last years are not even solving the standards or the best practices.

Campaigns: No chance to opt in customers directly... even no chance to automatic send an opt in mail... and no chance to set the marketing status with zapier / make or even API.

Leads: Are just good, when you have struggle with the deal limits... in every other case is a deal with a pipeline much better.

Projects: almost useless bcs you cant use a solved task or a new task as a trigger. And when you have a project with a customer you cant give them access to nothing without a own account to you hole pipedrive account.

Dont misunderstand my words: The changes and upgrades on the main functions from pipedrive (activitys, mails, deals, contact, organisations, automations) are really good. It will be awesome when the upgrade is launched that you can sync more then one email.

My feedback is: Please work on perfection from the main tool and dont add unfinished features that cant compete with the business standards!

Look: The automatic assignment for leads/deals is a really good upgrade for the automation tool. This leads people to get into automation. Of course you can do everything that the automatic assignment for leads/deals do with the normal automation tool to but not everyone is capable to look into the automation tool. So the automatic assignment for leads/deals is easier to use and a good start. So its a really good upgrade!

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