Pipedrive API: Error 401 Invalid token too often

Martin Krajčír
Martin Krajčír Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary 5 Up Votes Name Dropper First Comment

I try to integrate Pipedrive with Zapier to run my own Automation.

I use following API https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/filters unfortunately I got many times response:

success: false

error: Invalid token: access token is invalid

errorCode: 401

error_info: Please check developers.pipedrive.com

But sometimes I got OK response and everything works fine. Why sometimes Pipedrive API not working?


  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,333 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers Third Anniversary

    Hi @Martin Krajčír , there could be a few reasons for that, such as the API request being outside the scope your app asked permission for. For more details on that, please have a look in the documentation here from our developers' corner.

  • Martin Krajčír
    Martin Krajčír Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 5 Up Votes Name Dropper First Comment

    Hi @Manuel Oliveira I absolutely have no idea what I have to do 🙄

    I have authenticated Zapier on Pipedrive side.

    I have authenticated Pipedrive on Zapier side.

    Test works fine and sometimes also the whole integration works fine, but sometimes it fail on error: access token is invalid.

  • Leonardo Zimmermann
    Leonardo Zimmermann Pipedrive Team Posts: 158 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hey, @Martin Krajčír!

    There are a few different possibilities here. You could, for example, be running a filter through that endpoint for which your user's key do not have access - but this is just a conjecture.

    Bottom line in this case is that this situation needs further investigation, since the information we have so far is not enough for us to reach a conclusion. For that reason, I kindly ask you to please reach out to our support so that this can be tackled further.

    Thank you.