Automating incoming emails

KevinGalea Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment Photogenic

Hi group.

I would like to create automation that sorts out incoming mail.

For example. an email comes into my mail box that is unrelated to any deal, so I would like to detect that mail and automatically delete it.

I am running the advanced version of PD.


3 votes

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  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 217 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @KevinGalea!

    Pipedrive automations do not have email-based triggers so unfortunately, it is not possible to create an automation in Pipedrive that triggers when you receive a new email. However, I think that is great feedback to note internally!

    There are a few email sync settings that may be able to help make this process easier though, I wanted to share them just in case they help!

    You can enable the email sync setting that will automatically link your emails to deals in your account, then you can use a filter in your sales inbox to isolate all of these unlinked emails and bulk delete them-

    Another thing you could do is choose to sync only specific labels/folders from your email provider so that only the deal-related emails in that folder are synced with Pipedrive. You would need to sort your emails into that folder in your email provider outside of Pipedrive first, however, this would remove the need to delete the emails in Pipedrive (because they were never sent there in the first place!)-

    Hopefully, this helps a bit!

  • vidierre
    vidierre Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    I think that adding rules/automation triggered by emails will be a kiling feature for pipedrive! I would like to built rules allowing me to trigger labels assignment, assignment to existing project/lead/deals, archive or delete them. All this based on To, From, Cc fields....

    In few words the same rules mechanism available in any email client!

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,421 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    Hi everyone, this is a feature request and will be moved to the "Ideas and product feedback" category. That way it can be upvoted and commented on by other members who have the same request.

  • Joseph Valenti
    Joseph Valenti Member Posts: 69 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited January 24 #5

    Good day @Manuel Oliveira

    Pipedrive introduced a great capability in Automations by including a test for "email replied is True".

    I had a question about the logic associated to this capability, but I have figured it out. You may ignore this message. I post the solution only for the benefit of the community. (when was this feature added??)

    The tool is able to wait for a specified time for a condition to be met, as pictured below. This is great!

    My automation goes on to send another email in the event that there is no reply.

    I discovered this capability only today. It is well done!

    Obrigado pela sua consideração.

    Joseph Valenti

    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Just wanted to create an automation so that incoming e-mails from a specific address or with a specific subject are moved directly to the archive. To my astonishment, the Pipedrive does not support this. There is no way to create a simple automation. This would be so important to be able to work even more efficiently. Please improve your mail tool. Thanks.