Merge tag problem in the sent email

Hi All,
I'm working on my first email campaign. I would personalize it, so in the text I used "merge tag", and it beautifully shows *[FIRST NAME]* in the needed positions.
I use myself as a test person, and I uploaded myself as a "person" to Pipedrive, so checked myself in the system, my data are detailed in Pipedrive, I have first name last name saved.
But when I send the test email, to the email address I saved in Pipedrive for myself, my name does not appear in the email.
What did I do wrong?
Thank you
Hey @Viki 👋
It sounds like you are doing everything right! If you are using the "test" email section then that is the reason why no data populates in the placeholder.
The "send test email" is not expected to populate the merge tags, mainly because it's just a test so there's no actual person linked to the campaign. Now, if you are sending a campaign and it's not populating, then I think it's best we check this further! If that's the case, please reach out to our Support team so they can look into this one for you :)