Grouping of custom Fields

Rich Preston
Rich Preston Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

We can now Group custom fields, and I appreciate this feature. However, I've noticed that we can no longer mark fields as "Always Shown." We now only have the option to either display ALL fields or only those containing data. It would be helpful to have the ability to always display specific fields, especially those we regularly input data into. The extra step of clicking the "un-filter" icon to reveal a field is a bit inconvenient especially with that icon located at the very top of the Details section. Furthermore, displaying ALL custom fields can make it cluttered and challenging to find the one field we want to edit. Do you have any suggestions to address this issue? Will the option to always show a field be reinstated at some point?


  • SteveTD
    SteveTD Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Photogenic First Comment

    I've spotted this too and completely agree, it feels like a step backwards having to expand all fields. There are many fields that marketing need but are not entirely relevant for the sales team to see in lead/deal views. I'm not sure if it's related but I am now also getting a few examples of fields showing in lead and deal views even if I have chosen for them not to appear.