wrong date being set in my google calendar???

Rewire4Success Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited January 12 in Sales CRM #1

Hi there,

I am doing the free trial of your essentials package and I put in some activities for several deals to follow up with them tomorrow. But when pipedrive synced with my google calendar, it put the activities on today the 19th instead of the 20th. It didn’t do this for activities I scheduled for my fiancé and business partner. Can you help me know what’s going on? See attached screenshots.

Katie Johnson


  • Cejih Yung
    Cejih Yung Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic

    Hi Katie, I can help walk you through a few solutions and setup tips. If that’d be helpful just email me: cejih@cgsportsmanagement.com

    Happy to help!