Display 'HERO IMAGE' on cards (in Kanban view etc)

SpeedRacer24 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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I would find it transformational to be able to add a sort of primary 'hero image' to each card so I can see at a glance what it is (I deal in collectable artworks and antiques. I image this could be useful for realtors or anyone selling products, cars etc etc too). In this day and age I actually find it weird that the use of images in CRM software seems like a secondary afterthought. IMHO every deal or contact (e.g. photo of the person) or account (e.g. logo) or product should be able to have a primary 'hero' image that displays in all views wherever practical - so Kanban for sure (like Trello etc), and even as a thumbnail (ideally with 'fill' cell and 'move within cell' optionality) for table view.

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