Activities deleted

kfarrar Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment

All of my current activities have been deleted. This happened once before and I had to go to my deals, check their emails, and set up the activity again.

How can a mass activity delete happen?


  • Axel Depierre
    Axel Depierre Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Answer Name Dropper Photogenic


    It might be a filter issue. Make sure you are on "Owner" => "Everyone", then choose "All" on the left of the screen.

    If not it might be caused by an automation.

    To make sure review if an automation deletes activites on certain conditions

  • kfarrar
    kfarrar Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Turns out I believe it was a beginner's error. My calendar was being populated with emails, calls, tasks, etc., that did not have any information attached to them. This didn't have any purpose for me so I deleted them. I now realize these were probably linked to activities and consequently, I was deleting the activity along with the calendar notification.

    Is there a way to include information on the calendar notification, not just task, email, call, etc? If not, how do I turn off the calendar notification for activities?