Automations and activities

Gian Marco - InCodice
Gian Marco - InCodice Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Name Dropper
edited April 24 in Workflow Automation #1

Hi everybody, we were asked, a few times, to :

1) create an automation that delete future activities, for example follow up, if related deals get closed.

2) update the duration of an activity, via internal automation, using a custom field present in the related deal (example: days of a reservation)

In the first case, we have not the activity to delete in the automation workflow, neither we can perform a search/find, like using Zapier, so we cannot do that !

In the second case, the internal automation cannot edit or set the activity's duration field (from day X to day Y)using a variable custom field of the suitable type (time duration). It can only set a fixed duration (in hours), and a deadline date (the same limitation has Zapier, as long it's a PD limit). Due to the fact that activities can be connected to cloud calendars, for external view, it can be really helpful to have an actual duration of specific activities set/edited automatically in connection with custom deals data.

I believe these can be two interesting point to discuss and solve in the future !




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