Pipedrive Plugin for Outlook like Salesforce

Cierra Rider
Cierra Rider Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment Photogenic 5 Up Votes Name Dropper

It would be helpful to link pipedrive to outlook. When I used salesforce, I could use outlook for my primary emails and when I had a new contact I could link it directly to my CRM or if I had conversation with someone in my CRM that was linked to a deal it would show me in a side window if I had the plugin on. It made adding contacts and tracking conversations so much more efficient.

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  • clementc
    clementc Member Posts: 29 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic

    Hi, I've been building a tool to integrate Pipedrive CRM as a sidepanel in Outlook: pipelook.app

    It's yet to be released on the Pipedrive app marketplace, you can sign up to the waitlist in the meanwhile

    I hope this helps!