Better Email Signature Options

Cierra Rider
Cierra Rider Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
Name Dropper Photogenic 5 Up Votes First Comment

It would be helpful to have a customized email signature options. We have had a hard time matching our company's email signatures on Pipedrive. We can't add our photos, logos, or social links as desired.

4 votes

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  • angryhawk
    angryhawk Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Up Votes First Comment


    My organization has not had any problems adding complex signatures in Pipedrive. We have an email signature with exactly everything you have described: Photos, logos, and our social links. We even have colorful signatures. I'd highly recommend you take a look at basic signature creation tutorials since they are really all the same. You just need to get used to the interface of Pipedrive.

    Good luck

  • Cierra Rider
    Cierra Rider Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic 5 Up Votes First Comment

    I will have our team review it all again. They said they had a lot of issues. Hmm...Thank you!!

  • angryhawk
    angryhawk Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Up Votes First Comment

    I'm happy to provide a contact method should you have any further issues. (I am in no way affiliated or paid by Pipedrive.) I'd love to help.

  • gkaradimas
    gkaradimas Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Still no solution to this... disappointed.

  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 206 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @gkaradimas,

    Pipedrive does actually have the ability for users to create customized email signatures already. I would recommend checking out this article here that goes into a bit more detail about how to do this, I hope it helps!

  • angryhawk
    angryhawk Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Up Votes First Comment

    I am not sure how people miss this and end up complaining about it. Your incompetency does not translate to "Pipedrive did this wrong".

  • Cierra Rider
    Cierra Rider Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic 5 Up Votes First Comment

    @Sophie We have followed the directions of the article in the past and it still isn't giving us the capabilities we need. This is what my signature looks like in Outlook. This is what is looks like when I try to add all these images directly into pipedrive. There isn't any place to format my text or images after I start typing...

    these are the only options given and they don't even let me click on each one to make edits...

    If I delete everything adn start over this is what it looks like but immediately goes away...

  • gkaradimas
    gkaradimas Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Unfortunately, the ability to use HTML signatures - as with any email service - Gmail, Outlook, etc - does not exist 1:1. This is the same issue that @Cierra Rider is facing. And, Pipedrive support has already admitted this functionality does not exist and there is a problem. I spent a whole day, and it's still displaying wrong. Yes, you can "make" a signature. Anyone with a 3rd grade understanding of computers can figure that out. So, while I appreciate your feedback @Sophie this is still unsolved. @angryhawk I'd love to see how, if you have done it - the ability to transpose an HTML signature from Gmail to PD. Instead of attacking people's competency, I am sure users would love to see your workaround. Thank you for all of your feedback.