Request: specific forms should be able to trigger specific email sequence
While testing the web forms we've encountered an issue limiting our automation workflows. Concretely we want to automate specific email sequences linked to completing specific web forms. For example: download report on landing page --> add as lead --> confirmation email --> invite to set-up meeting email --> reminder if no reply.
Similar yet different email template sequences would be used for different downloads, a subscription to webinar etc etc.
Am I right to think this is not possible with the Pipedrive Web Forms?
Hi @Debron ,
I would set it up like this :
In your form include a field that allows you to isolate leads that submitted this form
Go to automation
Trigger : lead created
Condition : Field in question is equal to "value of the form"
Action : send email
You will have to create one automation per webform though
Does that answer you question ?
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I appreciate your help,
I'm trying to do what you just said and I'm stuck in this part :
"Condition: Field in question is equal to "value of the form"
as you can see in my screenshot I have multiple web forms and I want to send specific downloadable material via email to each version of the web form submitted but I can't specify the related web form in condition for automation,
which results in sending the email to all versions of web forms submitted!
can you help me with this?