Is it possible to import data (e.g. from an Excel or csv file) into a pre-existing Deal record?

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Our sales process involves use of an Excel spreadsheet for crunching numbers and exploring various scenarios for prospective clients. (We're an 🤓 accounting firm.)

We want the ability to import into a pre-existing Deal a list of values from the spreadsheet.

Otherwise we'll need to do manual data entry from the spreadsheet back into Pipedrive. We want this data in Pipedrive for use with merge emails and documents.

Is it possible to import data into a pre-existing Deal? If so, how?

Thanks in advance for your help! 🙏



  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Feature request re the above question...

    It would be great if:

    1. when the 'Export as XLSX' feature was used on a deal (see the attached 'Screenshot of - Example exported deal XLSX file from Pipedrive.jpg' file) that
    2. if that exported XLSX file was updated (i.e. column B populated with data)
    3. that it could then be uploaded back into the Deal, to update multiple fields in one step.

    See also the attached annotated screenshot 'Suggestion for Update from XLSX feature.jpg'.


  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,403 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    Hi @MC that is possible since Pipedrive allows updating existing deals from an imported spreadsheet. You will just need to make sure your import file is set up in the correct format. You can find the details here.

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks @Manuel Oliveira! That process worked, but it was extremely cumbersome and labour-intensive. I had to map over 80 fields as part of the process. Some questions for you...

    Q1. Will Pipedrive 'remember' the mapping for next time? I sure hope so. I will test this again now.

    Q2. Why do I have to map the fields at all, if the Excel file I used for the import was initially from an export from a Deal in Pipedrive? Shouldn't Pipedrive automatically recognise and map those fields?

    I'm hoping there's a faster way of achieving this. Thanks for your help! ~MC

  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 209 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited January 2024 #5

    Hi @MC,

    Replying to your questions above-

    Q1: Unfortunately, the fields will not be remembered on the next import, but sometimes Pipedrive will recognize the field and automatically map the field for you.

    Q2: It's important to map the fields because this is what tells the system where you want the data to go. A lot of times, users will do an import to move data from one field to another so they aren't necessarily mapping the same Pipedrive field to that same field, they may be moving the data to a different custom field for example.

    However, I think this is great feedback for our product team, I will happily pass this along internally for review! I hope this helps to explain!

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
    25 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments First Anniversary

    Thank you @Sophie!

    The ideal solution would be the 'Update from XLSX' feature (as per my screenshot here).

    Re your answer to my Q2, perhaps I should have worded it as "Q2. Why do I have to **manually** map the fields at all [...]" as I understand that the mapping is required, it just doesn't make sense to me at all that I have to manually do it, seeing as the text exactly matches the field names. Pipedrive should auto-match the fields. Certainly, I understand that sometimes users want to map to different fields, but that would be the exception and could still be achieved via a manual edit of the auto-matched fields.