Adding a contact and specifying first name and last name

Is there a way to have two separate fields "First Name" and "Last Name" when adding a contact?
As far as I can see, a single field "Name" pops up and later on Pipedrive splits it into first and last name. I would like to enter single and last name separately.
This would help in some cases, especially when I only get a first name or a last name for a contact, but still want to save it in the CRM.
Thank you,
Hey @marco.racanelli 👋
We do have separate fields for "First name" and "Last name" but one main for Name when adding a person. The system will then automatically separate them but you can edit them. Apart from that, there's no option to add it separately, so I think it's good feedback! We already have the fields, so it would be a matter of allowing them to be used when a person is added via the UI - feel free to share that in the "Ideas and Product Feedback" section.
If an import is something you can consider, then you can separate them and import just a first name and keep a last name empty. Hope this helps!