Smart Doc creation - adding multiple participant's data - Request to add this please!

Lee W
Lee W Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Name Dropper First Comment
edited February 2024 in Sales CRM #1

Hello! RE. "Smart Doc creation - adding multiple participant's data - Request to add this please!"


As an admin creating template finance proposal document for my salespeople

When creating a new template Smart Doc

I would like to be able to pull the following fields onto the Smart Doc Template:

Contact 1: Person Full Name, Person Address, Person Previous address (if less than 3 years), Person Date of Birth, Person Phone

^^ I can do the above for the main contact.

-----> but I would also like to be able to do this for up to 3 additional Deal participants please.

Is there a work around to get the participant information into a smart Doc please in the meantime?

This would save my salespeople time. Many thanks in advance.

Would this functionality help anyone else? Please comment if yes!


  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 164 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers Second Anniversary

    Hello @Lee W,

    We currently only have the option to gather information, such as address, date of birth, etc, of deal participants in Smart Docs, but this is a great suggestion for our product team, and you can forward it to Ideas and Product Feedback.

    As for a workaround, even though we could have a possible workaround, it would be more complex, and we might have to jump through some hoops, and you would need access to workflow automation as well. Let me explain.

    The idea here would be that we would store the address, date of birth, phone number, etc., in the deal fields. For that, if the number of deal participants is always 3 (or any fixed number); you can create three Person-Type custom fields for deals and store the information in these fields instead of using the Participants section.

    Once you have that, you will need to create three sets of Person Address, Person Previous address, Person Date of Birth, and Person Phone fields for deals. So, in total, 15 deal custom fields if you have 3 participants in the deal.

    You can then use automation to fill in these fields when the Deal Person fields are updated, and yes, you would need three separate automations, one for each Participant and the setup would look something like this:

    As I mentioned, this is not the most elegant solution but one possibility, and to streamline the workflow, you can also make these custom fields hidden in the add view and use features like field grouping to better organise them.

  • Lee W
    Lee W Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited February 2024 #3

    Thanks for taking the time to share a suggested work around @Tony Xavier, appreciated, I will consider this.

    Please would you forward suggestion to your Product team on my behalf.