New Summary feature!

Barbaran Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited February 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

This new feature went live a few days ago, and I thought I had lost my contact email addresses but they simply moved to the summary page! which I feel is NOT required, so anyone else feel the same way?

In my mind, there was nothing wrong with the details page, and now the UX is poorer for it. The text of the summary and details isn't even aligned! and we have two places to look rather than one!

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  • Simon Robitaille
    Simon Robitaille Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    I have the same issue. Never asked for this change and it bother me as I have to fill 2 section of boxes for each contacts. Can we change that????

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 193 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers Second Anniversary

    Hello @Barbaran and @Simon Robitaille,

    We appreciate your valuable input regarding the Summary section in the new detail view. Our intention is to provide a convenient and accessible way for users to quickly access the important and commonly used information about their contacts. We understand your concern and assure you that our product team is actively working to enhance this experience. Your feedback is highly appreciated, and we thank you for bringing this to our attention.