Triggering an activity from a date field

MBrown Member Posts: 64 VERIFIED MEMBER
25 Likes 10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic
edited April 2024 in Workflow Automation #1

Hi All,

Hoping someone may be able to help me with this. Is there a way to trigger an activity by a date field?

e.g I have a date field for contract expiry under an organisation, and I would like to automatically create an activity to contact the client primary contact 3 months before that date.

We use to able to do this in Hubspot but I cannot work out how to do it in PD


  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 206 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @MBrown,

    Unfortunately, this is a limitation with Pipedrive automations. While you can have an automation create an activity on the date in that custom field, our automations do not have the ability to calculate 3 months before that date to schedule the activity. I would be happy to pass along this feedback internally! Additionally, feel free to share this in the ideas and product feedback section on the Community so other users can upvote your suggestion!