API - Get linked projects from Deal

Iain Ashley
Iain Ashley Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
5 Likes Second Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper

Am using the API and am trying to return any projects linked to a specific deal. e.g. from a known deal, return details and get a list of linked project id's. It is in the web interface, so it must be there, just not yet included in the API.

The Project API does an array with the linked deals, but this does not seem to be included in the deal details. Am I missing something or is this not yet added? If not yet there, when might it be added?


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  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,212 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    250 Likes Third Anniversary 25 Answers 500 Comments

    Hi @Iain Ashley , presently there is no public endpoint that will reveal the list of projects linked to a Deal. The workaround could be to use the GET /v1/projects endpoint to get all projects and check the deal_ids field for each of the returned projects.
    I will move your post to the Ideas and Product Feedback category so it can be followed by our product team.

  • Iain Ashley
    Iain Ashley Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Likes Second Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper

    Thanks for the feedback Manuel,

    Based on our use case, the list of projects would grow very quickly. Unfortunately that will make our code super inefficient since we would have to parse the entire list of projects until we find the deal we're looking for.

    The two potential solutions for us would either include the array in a deal bundle, or add filters to the projects endpoint so you can search by deal number. Ideally both would be good.