Fillable Forms

markd53 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited May 6 in Sales CRM #1

Hello! Looking to start using the documents feature. Currently we have used Dropbox Sign to send our main forms to our clients. The forms are essentially a fillable pdf (many boxes to fill with some of their personal information that we wouldn't get earlier in the process).

I'd love to be able to keep everything working in PipeDrive but I can't see how to make the documents feature work. I know I can uses a template but that template doesn't allow me to save where hte signature fields/rquired fields are each time. Does anyone have an easy way to do this without having to do it seperately to Pipedrive?


  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 100 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes Second Anniversary

    Hello @markd53,

    With our Smart Docs feature, when you send the documents, you can add fields like text, signature, and dates to the document to get recipient input. However, we currently do not have the option to save these fields along with the template, and they need to be specific every time you send the document.

    This can be a really helpful addition to the Smart Docs feature set and Ideas and Product Feedback would be the best place to share this as a suggestion, with enough upvotes we can bring this to the attention of the product team