How do I create a profile esc document for a client to fill out using Smart Docs

Matt Dalton
Matt Dalton Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited May 2024 in Sales CRM #1


I'm currently setting up Smart Docs for our sales staff and wondered if there was a way to send a Profile document to a client where they can fill out the fields themselves. I can do this as a document but the template we use is 8 pages long and I do not want our staff to be having to add text fields to every document they send out.

Is there a more time efficient way of sending long docs to clients?



  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 193 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers Second Anniversary

    Hello @Matt Dalton,

    The input fields in Smart Docs are more focused on smaller inputs like signature and name, and as they are designed around this need, we would not be able to permanently apply the fields to the templates.

    One possible alternative would be to send a Webform that your clients can fill in and this data will be directly added to Pipedrive. Forms are generally user-friendly for collecting data, and for your team, it will be more useful as this information can be stored in data fields within Pipedrive for future use (including in Smart Docs).

    In addition to Pipedrive's web forms, you can also use any third-party forms like Google Forms and tools like Zapier or Make to connect them with Pipedrive and sync the data after form submission.