How to use 'billing start date' in Smart Docs

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 108 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes


One of my clients wants to use 'billing start date' in her Smart Docs.

But she cannot find any menu for 'billing start date' under product tab.

Is there any way we can access the 'billing start date' field in Pipedrive Smart Docs?

Best Answer

  • Andreia Costa
    Andreia Costa Pipedrive Team Posts: 167 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hey @Ted Youn 👋

    This is actually feedback as currently, this isn't possible. Feel free to share it in the "ideas and product feedback" section.

    To also provide further information in case this helps someone who comes across this, the field is not available when it's a 1-time purchase, however, if a different billing frequency is added (not the 'one time' option), the billing start date can be added in Smart Docs using the Product Table or using the 'Product subtotals (recurring)' field - it will appear once there's a billing frequency added.

    Please make sure to share your feedback! Thank you!


  • Ilja S
    Ilja S Pipedrive Team Posts: 8 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Name Dropper First Comment

    Hi Ted!
    Sorry for late notice, we have added it couple of months ago.
    You can find it as 'Product billing start date' in Products section.
    Thank you for feedback!