Global search function - AND multiple words, and respect quote marks if used

Mark Haller
Mark Haller Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
Name Dropper Fourth Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

I'm using the global search to find emails. I'm looking in Outlook and I can see the subject of the email was "Re: (EXTERNAL) SoW for design and build of website"

And I want to find that email. So I type sow for design

I am shown results that match sow. design. for.

I would expect the search to prioritise the emails with that PHRASE first. And then individual words further down the results.

If I put "sow for design" in speech marks, that's just not used - the same results come up.

If I go to the Leads Inbox and type sow for design - the first results I see are correct.

Can you please enhance the search and make it much smarter?

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