Contacts sorted by first letter of their Name instead of First Name
Contacts are currently sorted by the first letter of their first names if we use the list of letters on top of the list of contacts.
It seems to me that it would be a good option to be able to sort our contacts by the first letter of their family names instead of the first letter of their first names. This way, every customer of yours would be able to chose what's best for its own organization, don't you think ?
For example, in France and Europe, it is more common to sort clients by their family names than their first names.
Thank you for your consideration and I hope to see this improvement soon :)
Best regards.
Hi @Hugues EP text fields such as name fields look at the first letter of the first word for alphabetical sorting. So that won't work in the way you are describing. But I can suggest using separate fields for the first and last names of your contacts. That would allow you to apply that kind of sorting from the list view.