Automatic time calculation between 2 dates

Sandy Rzk
Sandy Rzk Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited January 23 in Sales CRM #1

It would be great if Pipedrive could automatically calculate the duration between 2 dates. let me explain: if we have an amount earned per week for example and we indicate that the deal will be signed on 10/07/2024, Pipedrive could automatically output the turnover earned between 10/07/2024 and 31/12/2024.

Best Answer

  • Leonardo Zimmermann
    Leonardo Zimmermann Pipedrive Team Posts: 159 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hey, @Sandy Rzk!

    Yes, it's definitely possible to automatically calculate the duration between two dates and use that to compute turnover, however, Pipedrive doesn't directly offer this feature out of the box - meaning that you would need a workaround for it.

    My idea would involve setting up some custom fields. For example: you could create a custom date field for the deal signed date and a custom number field for the amount earned per week, and then, add another custom field to store the calculated turnover. Next, since Pipedrive doesn't support complex calculations directly in custom fields, you'd need to use Workflow Automationas along with a third-party service like Zapier or Integromat (now called Make), since these services can handle the calculations and update your Pipedrive fields accordingly.

    For the Zap I have in mind, you would create a trigger for when a deal is updated - specifically when the deal signed date or the weekly turnover fields are updated. Then, you can calculate the duration between the deal signed date and the end of the year. After that, you would calculate the total turnover by multiplying the number of weeks by the weekly turnover. Finally, you can update the calculated turnover field in Pipedrive with this result.

    It's a bit of a workaround, but with these steps you can have Pipedrive automatically calculate and update the turnover for your deals.

    I hope this helps :)

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