How to modify the time line dates?

Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments Photogenic
edited July 2024 in Sales CRM #1

I am importing about 50k activities from another CRM and I can manipulate the "due date" and set the activity as "done" but the date order they show up is based on the current date, Some of these activities are several years old and with some organizations there might be more than one "activity" added. They all appear in the order I added them and not when they occured.

Unless I can adjust the "added" date to the actua date the activity took place, my activities are all jumbled up and some will appear as having taken place during the current time period which is royally confusing and pointless.

How do I manipulate the "added" date to be the date the activity happened?

The same applies to Email.. I am sending emails from the past to a Deal and then finding that they appear as having been written today.

The sequence of events and time lines are really important to me so that I can mange "deals" and when I review organizations based on past activities.


  • Thomas.Dahl
    Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic
    edited July 2024 #2

    So, I am told by the Pipedrive team that there is a field thing as "Activity Creation Date" in Activities that sounds like exactly what I need to sort my time line. I will try importing using this.

  • Thomas.Dahl
    Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic

    No.. There would seem to be a bug in PD. When I use the Activity Creation Date and import the date the activity took place, it still says that the activity took place on the day of the importing and not when it actually took place.. The time line still remains screwed up.

  • Thomas.Dahl
    Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic

    The same seems to apply to Notes.. When I add a Note to PD manually, either to a Organisation or a Deal I cannot see how to place it in the correct chronological location. Only the creation date is saved, which is useless to me, as I need to be able to manage my time line in chronological order. If I want to add the content of an old email I need to place it in the correct place historically. What am I missing? I thought PD was all about work flow..?

  • Pili
    Pili Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
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    I have the exact same issue! It's really a pain point for my import of previous Activities…

  • Pili
    Pili Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    It seems like using the field "Due Date" help fix this.