How to see contacts with multiple open leads

wonders Member Posts: 56 VERIFIED MEMBER
25 Likes 10 Comments First Answer 5 Up Votes
edited October 2024 in Sales CRM #1

I'm trying to find a way to list all of the leads of contacts that have more than one open lead in our system so that we can close out the old ones and focus on the new. It gets extremely confusing since the agents can't view the leads and when they were created from a contact. In the leads inbox I see a "Person" and "Open Deals" number, but nothing with the leads. How can I do this? Thanks


  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 216 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes


    Currently, we do not have a dedicated field for the total lead count, but if your goal is to sort the leads and delete duplicate leads for the same contacts, you could use the Lead inbox section with the Contact name, Person ID, Lead Title and Lead creation dates. Once that is done, you can sort the list based on the Contact person's name, which will group the Leads for the same contacts so you can check the created date and delete leads as you wish.

    Enabling the Person ID column helps to ensure that you do not accidentally delete Lead linked to different contacts with same name. I hope this helps :)

  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 56 VERIFIED MEMBER
    25 Likes 10 Comments First Answer 5 Up Votes

    Hi Tony, thank you for your reply. I appreciate the suggestion, it's really hard considering we have 50,000 contacts.

    Is there anyway to have the development team implement this? They have something similar for deals, it shouldn't be that hard to do for leads. We also need to be able to see all leads, whether open or archived, from an existing contact. This is how our agents familiarize themselves with a previous interaction with a customer and why they may not have moved forward in the past.

    Managing leads and deals is the most essential part of a business.

    Thanks again for your response, I'm hoping that I can find another work around somehow but would love to have a permanent solution implemented.