Pipeline deal values & forecasting

Jasper McEwan
Jasper McEwan Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
edited October 24 in Sales CRM #1

Good morning.

I'm wondering if someone can help me with pipeline deal values and forecast reports.

Currently, when we set up a deal we annualise the potential contract amount so for example if the contract value is worth £100,000 annually that is the figure we would input into the deal value. However, the first order could be as small as £1,000 and once mobilised the client would spend in the region of £8-£9k per month to make up the annualised £100k.

This hasn't been an issue until we come to look at pipeline forecasts which now take the £100,000 as the deal value and it puts the whole of that value into the month it is due to close. Which isn't particulalrly useful for pipeline forecasting as it won't all land in the the month in which the deal close date is set.

Is there a better way of managing this or something I need to set up to enable this to work better for pipeline forecasting?

Many thanks in advance.
