Urgent: Address Fields Being Cleared and Deal Creation Issues

wonders Member Posts: 52 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments 5 Up Votes First Anniversary 5 Likes
edited January 15 in Sales CRM #1

All of our address fields are being deleted when a lead is converted to a deal. The address is not being saved in the Person or Lead/Deals object.

We're also experiencing an issue where when we hit 'create deal' the lead is not being converted to a deal and going to the deal screen. It requires multiple manual refreshes before it will redirect to the deal window.

I have reached out to support but received the normal "Sorry we're experiencing high volume" message. This is dramatically impacting our business.



  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 52 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Up Votes First Anniversary 5 Likes

    Unbelievable, I contacted support at 11:15 this morning and it’s now 7:30PM and have not been contacted yet when your system is BROKEN. This is literally the worst support, deadest platform on the planet. One can only hope Pipedrive sells or goes out of business. What they’re doing to paying customers is absolutely ridiculous. It makes me sick.

  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 52 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Received a response at 3:42AM, 16 1/2 hours later saying "We know there is an issue." at 4:24AM received another message saying it should be resolved and the chat window closed. No one following up to ensure it's working properly, no one apologizing for the issue. Support used to be available immediately. It's remarkable how quickly PD is declining, it's a shame.

  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 121 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    Hello @wonders,

    I hope you are doing well today!

    We’re so sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Our team is working hard to assist every customer as quickly as possible.

    Are you still experiencing any issues with your account? I can see that the general issue has been resolved, but please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with—We are here to help!

  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 52 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Helio Thank you for the response.

    We are still having an issue with converting leads into deals. Previously when you clicked create deal and save, it would auto redirect to the deal window and it was relatively instant. Now the save button is disabled for a while, then reenabled, but we're not redirected to the deal at any point. If we hit save again, a popup says that an error has occurred (this is because the lead has already been converted to a deal). In order to get to the deal we can sometimes refresh the screen, or we have to search/locate the deal and click on it directly.

    The issue that I have is Pipedrive advertises 24/7 support. A few minutes waiting here or there I absolutely understand, but 16+ hours? If that's the case you're severely understaffed. It would also be nice if there was a way to define the severity of the support request. For example, issues with the platform should definitely come with a higher priority than someone who needs help building an automation. It would also be beneficial to keep your status.pipedrive.com page up to date. If a known issue is identified, it not only prevents your agents from having a massive queue of the same request, but it would save a lot of folks the trouble of jumping through hoops taking screenshots/recordings of the issue and waiting to with someone just to be told "we know this is an issue". There have been issues in the past that were never posted on there and as you can see now it says there have been no incidents in the last 30 days despite the issue yesterday.

    Thanks for taking the time to reach out, I do appreciate it.

  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 121 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    @wonders That’s definitely not the expected behavior. However, the issue we encountered has been resolved, with multiple users confirming that everything is working fine now. That said, there may still be something else going on. Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues, so that I can reopen your last chat with us and have an agent look into this asap.

    We apologize for the long response times and want to assure you that we are actively working to reduce them moving forward.